Tickle Fight, Mark 2

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"Hiiiii, Ritchie." George hugged him from behind.

"Hi, Georgie. What is it?" Ringo tried to turn around.

"Oh, nothing," he hummed. "Except for this!" He dug his fingers into his sides, laughing evilly.

"George! Nohohoho!" He giggled, trying to worm his way free. "Stahahahap it!"

"Nah." George kissed his neck, making him squeal. "You're too adorable."

"E - enough!" Ringo wiggled free, pouting. "So mean."

"Aw, I didn't mean it, love." He hugged him. "Forgive me?"

"Oh, I can't stay mad at you." He hugged back. "Though I can get revenge."

"I'm not ticklish," George smirked.

"Oh, come on!" Ringo threw his hands up. "Everyone is ticklish at least somewhere!"

"Well, I'm not." He crossed his arms.

"So if I did this, you wouldn't react?" He tickled his sides, but no reaction.

"Told you." George rolled his eyes as he prodded him all over. "Give up yet?"

"Hmph." Ringo's hand slipped, causing him to brush against his hip.

"Ah!" He froze, looking like a deer in the headlights.

"Run." He stared him down.

"Aaaaah!" George ran, but he was caught almost immediately. "Wait, wait, wait!"

"You liar," he hissed. "You know what happens to liars?"

"No, no, no, no, nohahahahaha!" He squirmed in his grasp, giggling as his hips were lightly pinched. "I gihihive!"

"Fine, whatever." Ringo let him go hesitantly. "Think twice before you tickle me."

"Oh?" George grinned, his fangs showing. "Let me quote you from earlier. Run."

"Noooo!" They ran off laughing like idiots.

"Creeps." John smashed a pillow over his head.

"You're just jealous." Paul prodded his side, making him squeak.

"Jerk." He poked him back.

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