Flexible, Part 1

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"She has the bluest eyes," Zoeii sighed. "Like Uncle Ringo, except darker. Royal blue."

"How sweet." Elica played with her hair. "I'm not telling anyone. And I think it's only fair that I tell you a secret, so..." She leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Me and Julian are trying to have a baby."

"Really?!" she squealed quietly. "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"It doesn't matter, we'll love them either way." She rubbed her head. "Now back to Clarabella. How long have you known her again?"

"Five years," Zoeii admitted shyly. "I've liked her for two."

"Wow, that's a while. Are you gonna tell her anytime soon?" Elica tilted her head.

"Probably not, she wouldn't accept me. She's straight as a ruler."

"A flexible ruler," she muttered.



"I want to just hold her and kiss her and stuff." Zoeii played with her hands. "Is that weird?"

"No, not at all. It's only love." Elica smiled gently.

"It's only love, and that is all," she sang. "Wait, I have an idea."

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