♥️Time You Enjoy Wasting Was Not Wasted♥️

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Paul closed his tired eyes, sighing quietly. Revolver played in the background as he ran a weathered hand along the mattress cover. It felt cold in his bed without the warmth of John to comfort him. Did he even need comforting at his age?


He shook his head. He was done crying, John had lived a great life. He was with George and Ringo now, wherever that was. Yeah, that's a good thing. But he still wanted to cry until he ran out of tears.

When your prized possessions
Start to weigh you down
Look in my direction
I'll be 'round, I'll be 'round

John's voice rang out so clearly, his voice from over fifty years ago. It was beautiful and sad and comforting all at the same time. Paul fell back, hitting the bed hard. He finally cried himself to sleep, something he promised he wouldn't do.


Paul suddenly jerked awake, glancing around wildly. Someone had touched him, weird. There was a tap on his shoulder, and there was John kneeling over him. Young, twenty-two. He opened his mouth, but his husband covered it with his hand and smiled. John stood up, walking over to the record player. He switched out Revolver with a 45 and allowed it to play.

Love, love, love
Love, love love
Love, love, love

Paul took in a shuddering breath, crying again. This wasn't possible, he was still dreaming some stupid dream. So why did it feel like he was awake? He shakily rose to his feet, making his way over slowly and carefully. John scoffed inaudibly and just grabbed his hand. He pointed out the door and tilted his head.

What the hell? Paul raised an eyebrow, then understood. John wanted him to come with him. He looked back at his bed, only to see his own body still lying there. He gasped, lip quivering. Could he just leave himself there for his family to discover? They'd be devastated. He couldn't do that, he -

John's hand landed on his shoulder, and he smiled comfortingly. Paul squeezed his eyes shut, nodding. As soon as they joined hands, he was twenty years old again. They looked just like they did when they started their relationship on March 22nd, 1963.

Paul took one last look at his room, the records, his bed, his body itself. He turned to John, kissing him so deeply and passionately in a way they had never done before. Then they left, the record still playing.

James Paul Lennon-McCartney died that morning with a content smile on his face.

All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need


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