First Time, Part 1

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"They're asleep," John whispered.

"Yeah." Silence. "You maybe wanna -"

"Ooh, you naughty boy," he whispered in his ear. "I'm going to make you feel so good."

"I look forward to it." Paul pulled both their shirts off, kissing him roughly. John slowly put him on the bed, towering over him. "What are you looking at?"

"You, you're gorgeous." He chuckled as a blush spread across his face.

"N - not as gorgeous as you." He gulped and watched John slide his pants off, exposing his erection.

"Eager, are we? Now hold still." John dipped his head down, taking his cock between his lips.

"Ah, Johnny!" Paul jumped at the sudden sensation. "Warn me next ti -" He was cut off by his own moan when a huge wave of pleasure hit him.

"You like this?" He let go for a moment.

"God, yes."


Paul let out a little whimper as John swirled his tongue around the tip, gripping his hair. "M -more!" He harshly yanked him forward.


"S - sorry!" he laughed nervously. "I hope I didn't choke you."

"I'm fine, now hold still." John gripped his thighs tightly. "Or else."

"Yes, sir!" He gave a mock salute, then dropped his arm again. "Oh, Johnny..." John smirked, humming softly. "Oh my god!" He threw his head back in pleasure, trying to keep quiet. "Wh - what if someone h - hears us? What - SHIT, FUCK!" His fingers curled in his hair. "Fuck, that's good! Your tongue! I'm sorry, I can't. I think I'm - "

"Come for me, Paulie." He began stroking him quickly. "Just for me."

"John, John, oh, John!" Paul let out a squeak, shuddering slightly as he came, thick ropes of semen shooting out.

"Okay, yikes." John wiped some of the cum off his chest.

"I - I'm sorry!" he mewled.

"No apologies, you're going to be punished." His eyes clouded over with lust. "Ever been fucked by a bloke? Of course you haven't. Let's change that, eh?"

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