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"D - dad? Daddy?" Zoeii approached John and Paul. "I need to tell you something, just don't be mad."

"No promises."


"I - I had my first kiss today." She buried her face in her hands.

"Who's the little bastard?" John got up, searching for a gun they didn't even have.

"John!" Paul yanked him back over. "Don't do that!"

"I need to kill that bitch!"

"She's not a bitch!" Zoeii snapped. She froze. "I mean, he's not a bitch. Slip of the tongue."

"Zoeii." Paul touched her shoulder. "Are you...a lesbian?"

"What?! No!" She crossed her arms with a huff. "So what if it was a girl, I never said I kissed back! Heck, I didn't even say I liked her!"

"Who was it?" John asked, calming down a bit.


"Clarabella Jones?!" Paul shouted. "George's friend's daughter?!"

"Yeah, that one." Zoeii's eyes welled up with tears. "I'm sorry for disappointing you." She ran out the door, going all the way to her uncles' house.

"Who's there?" Elica opened the door, only to be trampled. "Ow."

"UNCLE GEORGE! UNCLE RINGO!" She ran into George's arms, crying her eyes out. "They're mad at me!"

"Slow down, love. Why would they be mad at you?" Ringo stroked her hair.

"M - me and Clara kissed!"

"You what?!" George's jaw dropped.

"Huh?!" Ringo's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?!" Julian, who had snuck in to see the commotion, recoiled.

"Finally!" Elica cried. "I knew you could do it!"

"Wait, she likes Clarabella?! And you knew?!"

"Um, yes?" She crossed her arms. "She trusts me, of course I knew." She bent down to her level. "Who kissed who?"

"Sh - she kissed me," Zoeii stuttered.

"Did you tell her how you felt? Is that why?"

"No, we were just talking, then she got all fidgety and kissed me!"

"Did you kiss back?"

"I was too surprised."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, she said she had to leave, so she left."

"Does she know you like her?"

"I don't know."

"Why don't you ask her?"

"I can't."

"She's right here." Elica pointed in the other room. "Her mother dropped her off, she said Clara insisted she wait for you here."

"Oh, boy." Zoeii took a deep breath. "I'll be back."

"Give them some privacy." She shooed the rest of them outside.

"Clara?" Zoeii glanced down at her shoes. "How did you know where to find me?"

"You always go here when you're upset," Clara replied. "I figured you'd be here sooner or later, so I waited."

"I see." They stood in silence. "So, do you like me?"

"Maybe I just have a thing for Asian girls," she joked.

"I'm Asian-American!" Zoeii rolled her eyes. "But okay."

"Doees this mean we can't be friends anymore?" Clara almost whispered.

"No! No, you'll always be my friend!" She glanced around nervously. "Clara, I really like you."

"Really? I really like you, Zoe." She stepped closer.

"That's great." Zoeii sent her a single nod, giving her permission. Clara nodded back, then wrapped her arms around her neck. "I love you, Clarabella."

"I love you too, Zoeii." She stood on her tiptoes to kiss her.

"Guys, get out!" Elica shouted. The two girls jumped apart. "Sorry, sorry! Trying to get them outside!"

"I need a picture for the scrapbook!" Ringo whined.

"Ritchie, no!"

"Ritchie, yes!"

"Help me, Elica!"

"Julian, calm down!"

"Wanna go to your place?" Zoeii asked.


Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now