Bad Boy

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Smut (Isn't it fitting that this is Chapter 69 lol)


"I want you to dominate me for once."

John's fellow bandmates spat out their tea.

"John! You can't just say things like that! Especially in front of them!" Paul wiped his mouth.

"Exactly!" Ringo shook his head. "Talk about it in private!"

"Lalalalala, I can't hear you!" George sang, covering his ears.

"Private it is." John took Paul's arm and dragged him to the bedroom. "Stop squirming, here's what I want to do."


"Mr. Lennon." Paul paced back and forth in front of John as he sat on the bed. "Do you know why you're here?"

"I couldn't keep my mouth shut during your shitty lesson?" John smirked.

"Don't be sassy, I'm serious." John's own glasses slid to the end of his nose as he bent down. "You do realize what I'm going to have to do, right?"

"Punish me?" He licked his lips.

"Why yes, young man." Paul grabbed him by his tie. "But not with anything like detention."

"Like what?" John's breath coasted over his lips.

"Stop asking questions and let me be in charge for once." He pushed his chest. "You see," he reached under the bed, making sure to show off by bending down as much as he could, "I have ways of punishing bad boys like you." He finally pulled out a yardstick. "Do you catch me drift?"

"Not really. Perhaps you could go with more of a hands-on approach to teaching me?" He bit his lip.

"No problem, Mr. Lennon." Paul pushed him back onto the bed. "Trousers. Off."

"Yes, sir." John slipped out of them, plus his boxers. Just in case.

"If only you'd listen to me like this in class," he sighed. "Now up. On your knees."

"Yes, sir." He rolled his eyes.

"I saw that."

"I don't care."

"Oho, someone wants to be punished even more?" Paul tapped his head with the yardstick. "You'll regret that."


"Ow! Jesus, okay!" John shook his head. "That hurt."

"Tough." He swung again.

"Paul!" he whined.

"It's 'Sir', got it?" Paul grabbed him by his hair. "I said, got it?"

"Got it," John nodded. "...Sir," he quickly added.

"Good boy." He smacked his bare ass again. "Stay still."

"Or what?" he shot back.

"I'll handcuff you," Paul warned.

"Maybe I'd like that, Sir." John yelped as the yardstick came down on his exposed skin again. "Hey!"

"Open your mouth again and see what happens," he growled. "Maybe I should gag you, too."

"With what?" he purred. "Ow! You bastard!"

"What did you call me?!" Paul grabbed his hair again. "How dare you disobey me! That's it, ten in a row with no breaks!"

"You can't be fucking serious," John scoffed. "Like you have the heart to - OW!" He jumped a bit. "Not so hard!"

"Telling me what to do, now we're up to fifteen." He smacked him again.



"HEY!" John tried to face him. "You are NOT being fair! Sir."

"Do I need to go up to twenty-five?" Paul twirled the yardstick in his fingers.

"No, I'm good!" he squeaked. "Just not as hard - OW!" He let out a groan, realizing how much this was actually turning him on. "Oh god," he panted as he was hit over and over again.

"Ten, eleven, twelve," he counted. He smiled softly as his lover squirmed underneath him. He had been hesitant at first, but now he knew he wasn't really hurting him too bad and was getting into it.

"Are we - are we almost done?" John tried to face him.

"New rule, don't speak unless spoken to!" Paul shook his head. "When will you learn?"

"Oh no, you can't just come up with new rules in the middle of - OW!" He pounded the bed with his fist. "Stop hitting harder!"

"No." He hit one last time, then dropped the yardstick. "Jesus, your arse is so red. Mr. Lennon, have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes," John groaned.

"Good boy." Paul flipped him over, undressing both of them. "But I'm not sure you have yet." He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the lube. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir. Nngh!" His eyes shot open, and his jaw dropped. "Holy shit."

"Stop complaining." He scissored him gently, stroking his hair. "Shh, shh. You've done this with me many times, I know what I'm doing. I've been paying attention, after all." He shook his head, realizing he broke character. "Mr. Lennon, pay attention to what I am saying."

"I am," John hissed. "You fucking bas - AH!" He let out a yelp as Paul slid inside him suddenly. "So full," he hissed.

"Yeah, I know." Paul thrust in and out a few times. "I mean it, Mr. Lennon. The more you disobey me, the worse it will get. Now, don't cum unless I give you permission to."

"You little - OH!" He arched his back, looking a bit confused. "That was -"

"Great? It better be." He pounded into him furiously, panting slightly. "You're so fucking tight, Mr. Lennon! It's like you're a little virgin just for me!"

"Sir, oh my god!" John's fingernails dug into his back. "I - shit, come on!"

"Quit complaining." Paul winced as he clawed his back harder. "Mr. Lennon!"

"Sir! OH MY GOD, SIR!" He wiggled underneath him, bucking wildly. "SO GOOD!"

"It better be!" he hissed.


"Don't you dare!" Paul growled, but it was too late. "MR. LENNON!" He released immediately after, then landed on top of him. "Wow."

"Holy shit." John closed his eyes, exhausted. "I disobeyed you."

"Yes, you did." He touched his arm. "Now behave, or else I'll punish you again."

"Maybe I should just keep being bad," he whispered.

"Then I won't punish you." Paul made a strangled noise in his throat. "Thank god you had this idea."

"I know. Is that what it feels like when I fuck you?" John tilted his head.

"Yes, it does." He wrapped his arms around him. "Can we do that again sometime?"

"Sure. It wasn't that bad being submissive."


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