Return, Part 2

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"I'm sorry, Paul." Ringo stood in the doorway, looking regretful. "I shouldn't have said that, I should've known it'd hurt you."

"Hey, it's okay." Paul hugged him tightly. "I know you didn't mean it, I'm not upset with you. John might be, but he'll get over it."

"Nuh uh!" John shouted from the kitchen.

"He will, he's just being stubborn."

"Ah. Well, I need to check on Geo." His face dropped. "Something's wrong, I just don't understand what. The cough just won't go away."

"I'm sure he'll be better in no time," Paul assured him. "Just a cold."

"You're probably right. Again, I'm sorry." And then Ringo left.

"Is he gone?" John yelled.

"Yes, you stubborn git." He walked into the kitchen, glaring. "Be nice, he's worried about George."

"Now that you mention it, he was coughing earlier." He rubbed his chin. "Probably just a bug."

"Yeah, you're right." Paul wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him.


It was a good night, the two had finally gotten to sleep just like they wanted. John had his arms around the sleeping Paul, snoring softly.


Paul jumped upright, looking around wildly. "John, John!" He started shaking him. "Wake up!"

"Mmm?" John opened his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I think there's someone in the house."


"They broke the window." He hugged his knees. "We're gonna die."

"Shh, we're not going to die." He quietly carried him into the closet, then closed the door. "It's okay."

Heavy footsteps filled the house, and there was the sound of more glass breaking. "Where are youuuu?"

"It's him," Paul whispered, recognizing that voice from anywhere.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now