Looking Glass

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"DAD!" Elica wailed from upstairs.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Ringo ran to her quickly, expecting the worst.

"I'm out of contacts!"

"Oh, I thought you were hurt," he sighed. "I think your glasses are in the cabinet."

"Dad, come on! I'll look weird!" She crossed her arms. "Besides, I have a date later!"

"Julian also wears glasses, so he won't care." Ringo shook his head and left.

"Dad number two!" She found George reading. "I can't wear my glasses!"

"Why not?" He didn't even look up. "They make you look cute. And haven't I told you about what happened when John refused to wear his?"

"He's blind as a bat to this day," she groaned. "Fine."

"Trust me, no one will care." He watched her leave. "Hey, when are you moving out?" he called.

"Whenever I feel like it!"

"But I don't want her to leave," Ringo whined.

"She's almost twenty-five, Richie." He patted his head. "She can't stay forever."

"I know," he pouted. "Did you give Julian your mum's wedding ring?"

"I did." His eyes turned glassy. "It's what she would have wanted."

"I agree."


"Elica?" Julian looked her up and down. "Is that you?"

"Do the glasses really make that much of a difference?"

"No, just teasing you."

"You're a jerk!" She slapped his arm playfully.

"Tell me something new," he laughed. "Come on." They walked through the park, him taking not-so-subtle glances at her. "I don't care what you look like, you know. I'll always love you."

"Y - you will?" Elica came to a complete stop. "Promise?"

"Promise." Julian kissed her hand. "I need to ask you something important."

"Okay." She raised an eyebrow, something she picked up from George, as he got down on one knee. "What are you doing?"

"Elica Harrison-Starkey, I met you exactly one year ago today, July 7th. I know you were attracted to me right away, don't deny it." She just huffed.

"Anyways, I remember you being hesitant to go out with me, since you're a bit older. But I didn't care, so things were alright. You've always been here for me, like when I slowly rebuilt me relationship with me dad. What I'm saying is..."

Julian picked a single flower, handing it to her. "Will you..." He took the ring out of his pocket with a shaky hand. "Will you marry me?"

"Julian!" Elica looked away, brushing the tears out of her eyes. "Yes, of course I will! I love you so much!" She threw her arms around him. "I love you!"

"I know, and I love you." Julian kissed her softly, causing a bunch of nearby children to gag.

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