Rainy Days

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George stepped out of the rain and into the studio, shaking like a wet dog. No one was going to be there on their day off.

"Hello? Who's there?"

Or maybe there was.

"It's me, George!" he called.

"George?" the voice echoed. "Georgie, what are you doing here?"


"It was raining." He stepped into the recording booth. "What about you?"

"Same with me." Ringo was sitting at his drums, not playing them.

"Practicing?" George made his way over.

"No, I don't practice," he admitted.


"I mean, I don't play alone. It just gets boring with no one else around." Ringo looked away shyly.

"I could play with you," George suggested.

"You don't know how," he laughed.

"Wanna bet?" He picked up a spare set of drumsticks. "Step aside."

"You're the boss." Ringo stood off to the side, watching him. George nodded back, then began to play and sing.

Before this dance is through
I think I'll love you too
I'm so happy when you dance with me

I don't want to kiss or hold your hand
If it's funny, try and understand
There is really nothing else I'd rather do
'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you

I don't need to hug or hold you tight
I just want to dance with you all night
In this world, there's nothing I would rather do
'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you

Just to dance with you, it's everything I need
Before this dance is through, I think I'll love you too
I'm so happy when you dance with me

If somebody tries to take my place
Let's pretend we just can't see his face
In this world, there's nothing I would rather do
'Cause I'm happy just to dance with you

Just to dance with you, oh, it's everything I need
Before this dance is through, I think I'll love you too
I'm so happy when you dance with me

If somebody tries to take my place
Let's pretend we just can't see his face
In this world, there's nothing I would rather do
I've discovered I'm in love with you
Oh, 'cause I'm happy just to dance with you
Oh, oh, oh

He dropped the drumsticks with a blush. "S - sorry."

Ringo opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again. "George, that was amazing!"

"It was?" George gave him a tiny smile. "Really?"

"You never said you knew how to play!"

"Well, it's me first time playing on a drum set. I've only used hand drums before."

"Are you kidding me?! It was incredible!" Ringo grabbed him by the cheeks. "Better than me."

"Nobody's better than me Ringsy." George leaned in for a kiss, which he gladly received. "Can I play with you?"

"Of course."

"Show me what to do first." He smiled as Ringo's arms wrapped around him, placing a drumstick in each of his hands. "Ready."

"I'll say it again: I love being in a band, I love playing with other human beings. I've never practiced drums unless there was another human being in the room. If you could play, I'd play with you all night. But if I'm just playing by myself, it gets boring pretty quick."

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