All the Little Lights

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"Paulie, it's beautiful." John looked down over the lights of Paris, mouth hanging open.

"I know." Paul smiled a bit.

"Like you," he said quietly.


"Nothing, I was just agreeing with you."

"Ah." They continued to look down, then John stood up. "What's up?"

"Paul, can I tell you something?" John played with his hands nervously.

"Sure!" Paul watched him expectantly.

I can do this, I can do this! He took a deep breath. "This has been the best birthday ever." Coward.

"Aw, I'm glad!" He hugged him, making him laugh nervously. "You're the greatest best friend in the world."

"Damn right I am."


Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now