My George

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A/N: I'm a day late, sorry. Rest in peace, George.

"Okay, I got you home in one piece, thankfully." Ringo smiled slightly.

"But I don't want to go to bed," George whined as he took him to his room.

"You're drunk, George, and you need your rest."


He helped him into his bed. "Well, goodnight. I'll make sure to check up on you tomorrow."

"Richard? Can I tell you something?"

Ringo rolled his eyes and decided to humor him. "Yeah, what is it?"

"I think you're fine." George referenced the song Chains as he pulled him down by his collar and kissed him. Ringo backed up, shocked. Then he turned around and ran out as fast as he could.

"Hmm?" George watch the door, confused. "Where's he going?" He immediately passed out.

He groaned as the sun hit his face the next day. "Shut up, sun." He sat up, clutching his head. "What happened last night?" He slowly started piecing it together. "Let's see. John and Paul got together, we went to a pub, Ringo had to take me home, and then what?" He rubbed his head. "I didn't want him to leave, and - oh." His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "Oh. No, I didn't. I couldn't. Maybe I was dreaming." But it all seemed so real.

"Oh my god," George whispered. "I - I kissed him. Oh, god. No, no!" He kept repeating 'no' over and over again. "He knows, he knows now!" That's right, he was in love with Ringo. Ever since he took that punch by that Pete Best fan, he knew he needed to protect him.

"God, I'm such an idiot!" He stumbled out of bed with a groan. "Gotta fix this." He took some painkillers and ran to Ringo's house. He knocked on the door frantically.

Ringo opened the door, then stepped back with a quiet gasp. "Hi?"

"H - hi, Richard. Can we talk about last night?" he asked hesitantly.

"Yeah, come in."

"I'll leave you two alone," John winked, wandering off to an unknown location.

"Look, last night...I'm sorry, okay? I wasn't thinking straight, and I never meant to say it, okay?" George whispered.

Ringo looked almost disappointed.  "You didn't mean any of it?"

"About that. I uh, have kind of liked you for a little while now, so I'm sorry for making you hate me. I didn't mean to ruin things between us, so - mmph!" He got cut off by a pair of lips. It wasn't like kissing a bird, it had more of a rush.

"Sorry, I had to make you shut up. Of course I don't hate you, stupid!" He ruffled his hair.

"Watch it!"

John peeked around the corner, giggling like a girl. "OH, GET OUT OF HERE, LENNON!" He shrieked as random items were tossed at him.

"YOU'RE WELCOME!" He ran out the door, still laughing.

"Idiot," Ringo scoffed.

"So, now what?" George looked up hesitantly.

"I think we do this." They touched foreheads, kissing with little pecks. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Ringo let out a soft sigh, hugging George's limp body. He was already starting to turn cold. "I will always love you, no matter what. Remember that." He kissed his frozen lips, then broke down.

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