The Little Things

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"John, get back here!" Paul grabbed him by the arm.

"What?" John raised an eyebrow.

"You forgot to button this." He began buttoning the top of his shirt. "Jesus Christ, I can see your bare chest."

"Most people wouldn't complain," he shrugged. "I don't know why you would."

"Shut up." He slapped him on the arm. "Let's go." They stepped onstage with George and Ringo.


"I think I'm gonna be sad
I think it's today, yeah!" John and Paul leaned away from the mic, faces red and sweaty. They quickly moved back.

"The girl that's drivin' me mad
Is going away, yeah!" They were so close they could kiss. They looked into each other's eyes with a smile.

"Ah, she's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride
She's got a ticket to ride, and she don't care..."


"I call this bed!" John pointed at the hotel bed Paul was in.

"Why, I don't see any other option." George took the other bed, beckoning Ringo over. "Come to bed, love."

"Eheh." Ringo blushed, walking towards him.

"Hi, Paulie." John slid in next to him. "Looking fine tonight. I could do without the boxers, though."

"Shut up, John!" Paul punched him in the shoulder.


"You're stupid!"

"You're fat!"

"You're short!"

"You're single!"

"I'm with you!"

"Guys, calm down."

"Shut it, Ringo!"

John and Paul looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

"You're a madman, Lennon." Paul rubbed his eyes.

"Hey." John lowered his glasses. "It's only me." He put them back on. "I love you."

"John!" He smiled, kissing his nose. "I love you too."

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now