What is Love?

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"I have a question," Elica announced.

"Yes, love?" George raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"It's just -" She closed her mouth. "It's stupid."

"There are no stupid questions," Ringo pointed out. "You're a really smart girl, no question you ask could be stupid."

"Alright." She took a deep breath. "How can two men be...together?"

"Oh." George's face dropped. "I, um, I didn't expect that."

"Did I say something wrong?" She looked down sadly. "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. These things are new to you." Ringo put a hand on her shoulder. "Elica, what does love mean to you?"

"Mean to me?" Elica pointed at herself. "Well, I think love is...is...it's the thing you feel when you're with someone, the way you want them to be with you forever. To protect you, to look after you, to hold you, to keep you warm, to stand by you, and just...give you everything you need. That's, uh, just what I believe. Yeah." She folded her hands in her lap.

"That was beautiful," Ringo whispered. "Elica, you already understand. Tell me how you view this now."

"Love is love," she began slowly. "It doesn't matter what gender they are, it's still love." She looked up hesitantly. "People find it...wrong?"

"Afraid so," George sighed. "I remember when it became legal three years ago."

"Me too." Ringo gave him a loving smile.

"That was illegal?" Elica put a hand to her mouth. "Why?"

"Because it is." He smiled sadly. "People just don't always see eye-to-eye on certain things."

"Was it hard telling the fans?" She bit her lip.

"We kissed on live telly," George laughed. "The reporter's reaction was hysterical!"

"And then John yelled, 'fuck the police'!" Ringo joined him in laughter.

"While giving both middle fingers!" They were both wheezing at that point, and Elica giggled a bit as well.

"And then we hauled a cab, and people were crawling all over the windows!"

"A - and the reporter was like a statue!"

"That's crazy!" She wiped tears out of her eyes and waited for them to catch their breath. "S - so, you have any more crazy stories?"

"Oh boy, do we! Get ready!" She leaned forward, listening intently. George cleared his throat. "It all began on March 22, 1963, the day our first album Please Please Me was released. Ritchie here caught your Uncle John and Uncle Paul snogging each other, and let me tell you, it was quite a sight! It turns out they had just confessed to each other, and obviously we accepted it. They're our mates, after all. So we went to the pub to celebrate, and me, Uncle John, and Uncle Paul drank like the world was going to end. Ritchie here didn't drink much, though. Lightweight."

"Hey!" Ringo punched him in the arm.

"Yeah, yeah. So after your father escorted a drunk me home, I kissed him, and then..."

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