It's a Drag

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"John, this is fucking stupid."

"Is not. Come on out."

"Ugh." Paul stepped out of the bathroom, pouting. He wore a sleek black dress, black panties, white knee-highs, and black Mary Janes. "Really, John?"

John ignored him. "You look so gorgeous, love."

"I - I do?" He perked up a bit. "Well, I did it for you."

"Mmm, yes you did." He lifted him onto the bed, towering over him. "Such a pretty little thing."

"Shut up."

"Make me," John growled. "Now hold still." He reached out, touching him through his panties.

"John," Paul cooed, squirming a bit.

"I said hold still." He gave him a playful slap on the rear. "Understand?"

"Y - yes."

"Good." John began rubbing him again, staring into his eyes. "Do you like it?"

"O - oh, yes." The smooth fabric rubbing against the head of Paul's cock felt amazing, like nothing he'd ever felt before. "Give me more, John."

"Beg me," he hissed. "Say you want more."

"Please, I want more," he murmured, feeling humiliated.

"Louder," John demanded.

"I want more!" Paul whined.

"Yeah, that's right. Me pretty little bird." He began to grind against his crotch, sucking on his neck. "Stop squirming."

"I can't!" He bucked his hips, moaning wildly. "Feels so good!"

"Yeah, it better. Louder, baby."

"Nngh, John!" He knew he wouldn't last much longer, even though he so desperately wanted to.

John seemed to notice, pulling down the straps of the dress. "I got you." He licked, sucked, and bit his nipples with a playful growl and palmed him through the panties again. "Mmm, Paul! Shit!"

"JOHN! OH, JOHN!" Paul shuddered, throwing his head back. "OH, GOD! OH, OH!" He closed his eyes, sighing.

"Good girl." He rubbed him a few more times, then slid off. "Well? Was that a good idea?" He nodded breathlessly. "Good."

"Um, John?" He looked at him and giggled. "Did you...?"

"Did I what?" John looked down at his pants, then squeaked. "Oh, no."

"You - just from me?!" Paul covered his mouth, giggling harder.

"It's your fault for being so fucking sexy!" He blushed heavily.

"It's okay, I don't care." He wrapped his arms around him. "Now help me get out of this thing."

"Are you kidding?! That was so hot, there's no way I'm letting you go already." John all but ripped his panties off, then pulled his own pants down. "I'm not done just yet." He practically almost didn't prepare him before he slammed into him without warning.

"OW!" Paul opened his mouth to yell at him, only to moan instead. "You're terrible."

"Shut that pretty mouth of yours and ride me." They both came soon after, leaning against each other for support. "Okay, you can take it off now."

"Are you kidding?! That was so hot, there's no way I'm letting you go already," he quoted him with a smirk. "I'm not done just yet."

"Best. Idea. Ever." John grinned to himself.

Ain't He Sweet - McLennon and Starrison One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now