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A Thorin Oakenshield love story.

Once upon a time an Elven princess was born on a mid summer's Eve during a rare crescent moon. At the same time a prophecy was being written about a future Dwarf King and unknown to her family she was in the prophecy. She would be the key to saving the future King not only from himself, but also from a dark evil killing him.

The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone, the King Beneath the Mountain, shall come into his own. And the bells shall ring in gladness, at the Mountain King's return, But all shall fail in sadness, and the Lake will shine and burn.
But then there shall be a beautiful Elven Princess with fair blonde hair from Greenwood/Mirkwood. Her love for the dwarf King shall be the key to saving the people of Lake Town. As well as saving the King from himself and a great dark evil that wants him dead.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything having to do with The Hobbit book/film series, it's characters, LOTR franchise, and Tolkien's other works. They all belong to J.R.R. Tolkien, The Tolkien Estate, Peter Jackson and the companies that made the movies. I only own my own storyline, the original characters I have made (like Taryn, her mother, and some other characters), their backstories, and any events or dialogue that I have added. I also do not own any photos & gifs I used. They have been found by me on sites like Google, Pinterest, IMDB, Tumblr, & Deviantart. Credit goes to their owners and the people who created the fanart. I only take credit for editing them and the manips I have made. The story cover photo was found on Tumblr & edited by me. 

( the hobbit, auj-botfa. )
( thorin oakenshield x female oc. )
( © TarynThorinsQueen 2015 - 2021. )

Warnings: Some parts of this story may contain trigger warnings, graphic violence, and mature adult content. I will warn people at the start of every chapter if it does include anything of that sort. It will also of course include a lot of heartbreaking angst filled moments that will cause a lot of tears, because I'm evil and love tragic love stories. Haha. Lets face it Thorin's and Taryn's love story is very much so a tragic love story.

Notes: I also wanted to add some pointers for my story.
•Any Elvish speaking will be in italics, because I only know a few words and sentences in Elvish. But, I will put in the few words I do know.
•Same goes for the Dwarves' language, because I also only know a few words and sentences in Khuzdûl. I will just put whether the person is speaking Khuzûl or Sindarin in parentheses.
•{ } will equal using telepathy for the Elves and Gandalf.
•Any of my Author's Notes within the chapters will be in bold text and in parentheses.
•We start out before Smaug attacked. I am following the timeline of the book and the movie, but will also follow some changes from the movie. Like their looks for their ages and Dwalin being born before Smaug attacked, etc. Because really Dwarves age much slower than humans, so a 20 something Dwarf when Smaug attacked would really only be considered a kid in Tolkien's works. I may also change some things on the quest and make some parts last longer. In the book they stayed much longer at certain locations than they made it look in the movies. Like they stayed 2 weeks in Rivendell before continuing on to the Misty Mountains. I will be following the book for that part also.
•I will be diverting a lot from canon parts of the book and the movies.
•The early chapters of this fanfic have not been edited yet. So there may be some spelling errors, typos (aka autocorrect) I write on my iPad & iPhone, and I may have used the wrong words. I will go through and edit chapters when I'm not so lazy lol.
•I added Taryn's identical twin sister Vanya into the story after I had already wrote most of the first chapters. So I may have forgotten to add her in when mentioning Taryn's family.

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