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''...no, you had it wrong! Take it back! Now!'' Calum shouted when I answered wrongly the quiz from the board game we were playing at Georgio's.

''This is triggered'' I muttered and took two steps back as a punishment.

Ashton, Calum and Michael joined me at the restaurant for lunch because they were bored and Luke was at some Xoo with Evy.

''You can't quit!'' Ashton pouted when I tried to take my little pawn from the board.

''Coward!'' Calum said between cough and I scowled at him.

''You're a cheater!'' I squealed at him.

''You can't be serious! Death eaters are not the reason of climate change!'' he complained.

''Whatever'' I muttered.

''And that... makes me the... winner!'' Michael yelled when he made it to the end of the game.

''Oh, come on!'' Ashton complained.

''I hate this game!'' Calum mumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

''I will never play this game again!'' I said and leaned back to my chair.

''I'm hungry'' Michael complained and I snorted.

''We just ate lunch 2 hours ago!?'' I exclaimed.

''Are you listening to yourself!? It's been two whole hours since I haven't eat anything! I'm offended!'' he said and I threw my arms on the air.

''I will call Liam'' I said rolling my eyes.

''Wait... call Lauren instead?'' Calum smirked at me.

''What? Nia is my friend!'' I scowled at him.

''I was your friend first! Which side you'll chose?'' he asked.

''Oh my God!'' I sighed and got up.

''What!?'' Calum asked, amused.

I went inside and grabbed some snacks for the boys.

They started to throw at each other the pieces of the game and shouted at each other while doing it.

I look like a babysitter with these dorks.

''...I want golden, just like her heart'' Ge was saying to a man who was taking notes in a folder full of papers.

I walked pass them and Ge noticed my presence, so he stopped talking and just smiled at me widely.

I smiled back and walked outside again.

I know when Ge doesn't want people to listen his conversation.

That was weird.

''What are you guys going to do this weekend?'' I asked when I sat back at my chair.

''Oh, sleep!?'' Michael asked.

''I was planning to go shopping'' Calum said and yawned. ''It's been a while since I haven't bough something for me''

''Wanna go to Cancun for two days?'' I asked and their eyes widened like stars.

I knew they love that place, so I was thinking that, with this hell of a summer, we could go have some fun out of here.

''Are you serious?'' Calum asked astonished.

''Of course! So?'' I said grinning at them, expectantly.

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