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With Evy forcing me to tell her everything about my journey with Tom, planning the tribute for Georgio and all the meetings with Harry about my music, i was completely knocked down in two days.

H: Hey, beautiful, i have some news about your first album, the singles have been received pretty well, so people are demanding an actual album, wanna have some snacks at Donny's? ;)

I read Harry's text while talking with Liam about taxes.

I type a quick text.

S: I'm at Donny's... stop by and let's talk. :)

He didn't reply so i guess he's on his way.

"Are we done with this? I have a meeting" i asked to Liam.

"You tell me, you're the boss here" he jokes. "Go ahead, i'll pick all this" he said, picking up all the bills.

"Skylar, Harry's here" Lauren announced from the door.

Wow, he must have been close.

"Thanks Lauren, i'll be there in a sec" i said to her and she nodded.

"We are going to talk about my first album! How about that?" I said out loud to Liam.

"Don't forget us, the mortals, when you become a Grammy award winning" he teases.

"Of course not... Christopher?" I joked, dodging a ball of paper from Liam. "Love you, William!" I yelled, walking out of the office.

"Hey!" I gasped, seeing Harry after what seemed like ages.

I think it was impossible but he looks taller each day.

And handsomer... that's not a word but i'm not saying that out loud.

"Hi!" He grins. His dimples deepening with his smile.

"Hello!" I laughed. "Sorry, let's have a seat" i offered, pointing at the table.

He leaned and kissed my cheeks, smirking. "You look good" he purrs in my face.

"Thanks, you too, let's talk about business" i urge him, or else, he will start flirting nonstop.

He smiles cheekily and sits down, i sit across him but he gets on his feet, sitting next to me.

We talk about the songs, the writings, the music, contract and everything we need to get the album done.

"I'm gonna have to push your limits a little bit, this is a big deal, it will get you lots of great deals, people asking to be your manager, producer, musician, everything, right now, you are an independent artist, later you will have to decide wether you keep on that road or get a publicist for your own, we are good now, i'm gonna help you with everything you need" he explains.

"That's a lot to process, we should put the album as a priority and then we'll figure out what to do next"

"Skylar, i really want to kiss you right now" Harry says the words and i'm taken by surprise, laughing nervously.

"Harry" i warned.

"I'm being serious" he says, staring down at me.

These months i've been trying to keep things between us completely friendly and professional.

Because i realized that if i got too soft and open, i would start having feelings for Harry.

Harry is incredibly charming and sweet, cute and funny, not to mention unbearably sexy.

But between Harry and Tom... i'd rather suffer for Tom than Harry.

Harry have one of the kindest hearts i know, he's sweet, kind, loves his fans, he's completely lovable, but he is a lover, i wouldn't dare to try to tame him.

Tom's Sky (¡A Tom Hiddleston fanfiction !)Where stories live. Discover now