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I could tell this was the favourite place of Tom Hiddleston and a bunch of his friends, but he wasn't been showing up lately, like he used to.

Maybe the shooting was taking too much of his time and strength so he had no time to come?

Maybe he already left?

Maybe he finally got bored of coming almost daily?

But I was starting to miss him.

After 2 months it was the first time he didn't come every 3-4 days.

It's been almost two weeks since that night he offered to take me home.

I was tearing myself apart.

What if he just left and didn't even care to come and say goodbye?

Why would he do that, anyway?

Who are you to him?

With all the friends he may have?

Do you think he will remember to come say goodbye, especially to you?

Why am I always fooling myself?

Questions, questions.

I don't know the answer of any of them.

I was getting used to see him around, but I guess that after his work is done, he will disappear again.

"Back to reality'' Evy said and I blinked, I stopped staring at the streets... and glance at every car that drove pass the restaurant.

I cleared my throat and sipped my tea again. ''I hate summer'' I mumbled.

''And we are just starting'' she said and I groaned, lying my head against the table.

''I want winter, hot chocolate, a good book and my couch'' I murmured.

''All I hear is, boring, boring, too much boring and boring'' she mocked me.

''Fuck you'' I muttered and she laughed. ''remember me why we're best friends so I won't choke you?''

''Don't be so dramatic, what's wrong, Sky? What is bothering you? I know you're not okay'' she asked... and that was why we are best friends.

She knows pretty well when I'm feeling down and she knows pretty well that I won't tell what's happening until it shatters me.

''I'm trying to not make a big deal of it'' I said and she raised one eyebrow. ''I will be fine'' I tried to assure her. ''Now, where the hell is Mike and Calum?'' I asked, trying to change the subject.

Calum is also part of our group of friends and they should've been here 30 minutes ago.

''We're here, we're here!'' Mike said, pressing his lips against my cheek and sitting next to me on the table and Calum sat next to Evy.

My usual table was occupied by a family, so I couldn't sit there.

I kept staring at the table; I wanted to be sitting there.

It has the best view, the best armchairs, the best umbrella, the best light and it was my spot.

And now I sound like Sheldon Cooper.

A fresh wind was fanning our hairs but it wasn't the same.

Something was missing and it was not the table I used to sit at.

''What took you so long? I'm starving!'' I complained.

''I'm sorry!'' Mike insisted.

''We've been stuck in traffic, there's a thing going on somewhere and they cut down some avenues'' Calum explained.

Tom's Sky (¡A Tom Hiddleston fanfiction !)Where stories live. Discover now