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2 months later..

"Okay, Skylar! We stay with that!" Harry spoke from the other side of the glass, in the recording room.

After i came back from London, Harry insisted to start recording the songs i've wrote.

He also convinced me to sing my songs with him and we made a deal, that he would sing the song and i would be the backup voice.

I would be credited on the album as a writer and co-writer.

For me that was more than enough, singing was just to humour him.

"I'm starving! Should we go out to eat or take outs?" Harry asked, clapping his hands.

"I'm not feeling well on my stomach, Harry..." i said as i felt a loud growl in my guts. "Damn it... i think i'm going to get sick" i protested as more growls punched my stomach.

"Do you wanna call it a day? We can continue when you feel better, we actually did a pretty good progress today, we can keep..."

I couldn't hear what Harry said, i stormed out to the bathroom, emptying my stomach on the sink.

There goes my pancakes from breakfast...

Damn it, it's been a long time since i got sick.

"Oh god..." i gasped as the nausea hit again.

"Skylar... do you want me to call a doctor?" Harry asked from the outside.

"No" i whimper. "It's just a belly ache" i tried to sound okay.

"You sure about that?" He insists.

I used all my strength left to get up, wash my face and mouth and open the door. "I'm fine..." i said with a raspy voice after throwing up.

"Go home, drink a lot of water and get some sleep" Harry ordered.

"Okay boss, whatever you say" i mumbled, gathering all my stuff and heading out.

"And don't come back until you feel better!" He yelled as i opened the door to walk out of the studio.

The cold air of January hits my face, calming my nerves.

I felt dizzy and tired, i don't know if i could drive like this.

The deafening sound of the city and people murmuring around me wasn't helping either.

I leaned agaisnt the wall of the studio for a minute, to see if the dizziness would pass.

Oh no...

Why is the floor so close to my...

"Oh no, Skylar!"

Pitch black.

I don't know how long i've been out, i just woke up lying in the sofa from the studio's lobby.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked as soon as i opened my eyes.

"Please, don't call a doctor, please" i begged, still a little fussy.

"Skylar, i have to, you don't look so well" he pierced his lips, concerned.

"I'm fine, it's just the stress, i haven't been sleeping well these days, that's it, i'm exhausted" i assured him.

"Skylar" he says, censure in his voice.

"Just take me home, okay? Please?" I begged, shooting my best puppy eyes at him.

"Okay! But don't put it on me when you feel worse" he glared at me. "Okay, you can blame me, i shouldn't be listening to you" he rolled his eyes and helped me stay on my feet.

Tom's Sky (¡A Tom Hiddleston fanfiction !)Where stories live. Discover now