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Same old empty feelings in my heart.

I've been thinking a lot, about taking chances.

And how it's really just about overcoming your fears.

Because the truth is,

Every time you take a big risk in your life,

No matter how it ends up,

You are always glad you took it.

You know what i think we are the most afraid of?

Not knowing,

Not knowing wether it's all really worth it,

Not knowing if you should give up or keep fighting.

Not knowing why you do the things you do;

Not knowing the purpose.

It's like when you are little and you touch the stove and get burned,

Because you didn't know that it was hot.

Not knowing has always hurt us,

From the very beginning.

Does anyone else ever wonder how much you may subconsciously exist in other people's lives?

I always wondered if he thought of me when a certain song came on,

Or if my face was important enough to be looked for in a crowded room.

I've wondered how many stories and late night conversations my name has been a part of.

I even wondered if i still existed in the minds of people that i didn't speak to anymore.

I wonder how many times a day I pass thru his mind.

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not worry, not obsess.

Just have faith that everything will work out for the best.

My thoughts were destroying me,

And i tried not to think,

But the silence was a killer too.

How could i get over him?


He's coursing thru my veins,

I can feel him in my fucking bones.

If you love someone,

Tell him.

Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous.

What is truly ridiculous, is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in them.

Most days i just wish i never met him, because then i could sleep at night and i wouldn't have to walk around with the knowledge that there was someone like him out there.

I sat for hours in a bench, inside the London's Eye establishment.

The guard was an old colleague from college and he let me in.

When i had enough of myself, over thinking until i couldn't argue with myself anymore.

I wasn't sad anymore, i was numb...

But i knew that somehow, numb was worse.

I stood up and walked to the city.

Not as crowded as the year before, but still noisy and overwhelming.

When i was driving around, i saw Nicky's car parked in a dark alley.

I parked close and walked to the car.

Tom's Sky (¡A Tom Hiddleston fanfiction !)Where stories live. Discover now