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"I loved her,
not for the way
she danced
with my angels...

But for the way
the sound of
her name
could silence
my demons"

- Christopher  Poindexter

"I'm sorry too, Sky... i can't, i can't" he managed to say, getting up from his seat, he felt dizzy.

Tom heard her calling his name, it was painful not to look back and see her face.

Everything around him was moving too fast, he was getting sick.

When he reached the front door, he sighed in deeply and held his breath and slowly breathed out again.

This was something completely new.

In all his years in the acting business, in all his years in relationship experience,

He never felt like his world was ending.

The words coming out of her lips, words that could easily break him.

The feeling of despair and guilt washed over him.

It was his fautl, he caused her all this pain and it was coming back at him now like a wrecking ball.

He wanted to go back inside and talk to her, he wanted to answer her calling his name.

But Tom got into his car instead and leaned his head against the wheel.

He didn't know what to do, he was ashamed, he felt guilty, he felt empty.

Tom wasn't sure how long it took him to put himself back together and decide to go back inside to talk to her.

Sky needed to hear him, she needed to know.

A few cars have left already when he lifted his head from the wheel.

"Tom, mate! I thought you left already?" Charlie beamed, happily and clearly a bit intoxicated, when he saw Tom walking back to the party.

"Where's she?" Tom asked, looking around, getting no sign of Skylar, or Harry whatsoever.

"Where's who?" Charlie asked, confused.

"Sky... Skylar, where's she?" Tom asked once more.

"Oh, your friend Skylar, she left half an hour ago, or was it an hour ago? I don't remember..."

"With Harry?" Tom asked again, realizing the evident answer.

"Oh yeah, yeah, they left" Charlie said, not paying attention at all at him. "Come on in, join us!" Charlie insisted.

Tom sighed, frustrated.

How many times did he had to lose her?

He decided to leave, there was no point on telling Charlie, he wouldn't remember or he wouldn't let him leave again.

What if she left with Harry and she's not at her place?

And what if she did? Skylar was an adult and she could do everything she wanted, specially now that she must be upset.

Tom promised himself he wouldn't jump to conclusions again when it comes to Sky and her friends.

She could be anywhere at this very moment.

But the longer he stays there, wondering, the later it gets.

Her place.

Tom decided to drive to Skylar's house first.

Tom's Sky (¡A Tom Hiddleston fanfiction !)Where stories live. Discover now