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After what seemed like years flying around the globe, we landed in Africa and there we got a plane to south Sudan.

The image in front of me was speechless.

The South Sudan militia was waiting for us when we arrived.

Tons of supplies were being carried from the plane.

A lot of kids met us and welcomed us happily when we got out of the plane.

I was overwhelmed.

I was officially volunteering at unicef, in south Sudan.

''Hey!'' I greeted the kids, cheerfully, along with the rest of my partners.

''Hello kids, over here please!'' signed our leader to follow him throughout the camp.

I walked slowly behind the rest, observing around me, while i followed the group.

A lot of very huge and modern white tents around houses, built precariously, surrounded me.

''We are located in the poorest area, where the kids are more needing of our attention...'' explained the leader to us while we walked. ''You are the team chosen for this camp, there are another groups out there volunteering in other areas'' he said.

''I will ask you now, please, wear the t-shirts we assigned to all of you, they are on the bag packs you brought from London and do not take them off during your work on the day, we are in a dangerous and threatened area, we don't want to scare you, but you must be careful and be in constant vigilance, there hasn't been incidents in a long time'' the man said and everyone opened their bags to find black t-shirts with a few more stuff I haven't check out yet.

''Here...'' the man said and stopped in front of a large and white tent. ''There's 32 of you, you will make groups of 8 and team up with our leaders, kids have been learning under the trees, we built schools for them, hospitals and more, we are trying to built again their hopes, later, I am going to call your names and you will join to the leader I assign you to, we have 4 leaders waiting inside, I will call them now and I'm going to team you up with each one of them, when you hear your name'' continued saying the man and I listened, dutifully.

The guide walked away from the group, who was 8 meters away from the big tent.

''It's your first time?'' a girl turned and asked to me.

''Oh, yes, it's your first time too?'' I asked, awkwardly.

''Oh, no, it's my second year volunteering, I'm Kate'' said the girl, handing her hand to me.

''I'm Skylar'' I said, shaking the girl's hand.

''Skylar... I think I've seen your face before'' said the girl.

I smiled nervously and stared at the ground.

''Nice to meet you, Skylar, so, you're from London?'' Kate asked, curiously.

''Err, no, well... I am from London, but I live in America'' I answered and Kate widened her eyes, in surprise.

''Odd, normally, they specifically chose people who live in London'' said the girl, frowning suspiciously.

''I guess I'm the exception'' I said, shrugging. ''But I had to wait 3 years to be the exception'' I added, chuckling.

''3 years?'' Kate asked, astonished. ''I've been on the waiting list for 6 years, because they told me I needed to graduate from college!'' she said in disbelief.

''I don't know about what terms they have to sort out the volunteers, but I'm living in America 6 years ago now, I sent a letter to the program 3 years ago'' I explained.

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