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'That's what you get for letting a rookie drive your car, my man

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'That's what you get for letting a rookie drive your car, my man.'

'Not funny Toretto, she was my baby.'


Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she moved her car into third gear. The roar of her engine was music to her ears. Racing was the only way she could clear her head, and keep herself afloat. The girl was thought to be number one in this industry by many and those who threatened to race her lost their money, and sometimes their car, before the race had even begun.

Blake Toretto was the most well-known female racer around, she was also known for her relationship with her older brother, Dominic. She could beat him at his own game if she tried. Racing was just one of the many things that the siblings had in common, though they had not spoken to each other in a long while; who knows, he might've changed.

She had begun driving at the age of twelve alongside her older brother, who had taught the girl everything she knew, but she craved more knowledge and skill then Dom could give her. Blake had started street racing at the age of fifteen and was one of the most skilled youngsters to compete in America at the time.

Soon enough, she left to travel the world in search for the best racers to teach her the knowledge and skill she craved, and she was still on that journey ten years later. To say the least, the girl had a rough life after she left home but she hadn't told a soul to anyone because the burden of her problems didn't need to be passed on.

Her car drifted around the final corner before the home stretch, her rookie opponent miles behind her. The cheering crowd around her made her speed up. She knew her opponent wouldn't beat her the moment she met him, but she knew she had to knock him down a few pegs as the guy was an ignorant teen who thought he owned the place the moment he walked in. He had mocked her when Takashi put her up for the race, for nothing other than his own pleasure as the guy had spoken to his girlfriend, and he made her blood boil the moment he opened his mouth.

Sean Boswell was his name and he couldn't drift for the life of him, he had basically destroyed Han's 2000 Nissan Silvia S15, or as Twinkie called it his Mona Lisa, in the first thirty seconds of the race. The thought made the girl growl as she crossed the finish line with the crowd cheering around her. Blake did a three sixty before stopping her car with a smug smirk stuck on her face, her eyes roaming over all the faces.

She opened her door and got out just in time to see the rookie destroy Han's car even more as he scraped it against the concrete barrier before finishing the race. It looked like mierda with the bumper completely destroyed, the sides dented to no end, smoke coming from the engine and the windows cracked. Twinkie looked like he was going to cry at the sight of the car, shaking his head in disbelief. Han's face was stoic as he tried to keep his anger in control by stuffing more chips into his mouth, but Blake saw right through his facade. She laughed before she walked up to him patting him on the back with a smirk, turning back to look at the rookie.

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