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'Uh, yeh. That sounds good. That colour's giving me a headache.'

'Like you can talk. What about your Kermit the frog? It ain't any better.'


It was silent as Blake Toretto laid on her best friends chest as he ran his fingers through her hair, trying to get her to calm down. He hadn't run, or even considered leaving, after the girl had told him what she had done that day and over the two years she was in Brazil. Instead, he held her close in her emotionless state and lead her to the bed in which they now laid. No one had disturbed them, but she knew that she would have to face the music sometime; because Mia would've told Dom.

Han was surprised at how lifeless she had been when she told him about her life in Brazil, slightly scared about it. She was a broken girl, he knew that, but he just didn't realise how badly until now. He knew about most of her life, parts like Europe and Australia, but she had never given all the details about Brazil; only the good parts. It hurt him that she had to go through so much, and had never even considered her to do those sorts of things without being in order to defend herself. She had done it out of anger, out of boredom.

'You're still thinking about it,' Blake mumbled.

'No I'm not,' He replied.

'Thinking is a dangerous thing, brother.'

He grunted in response, earning a soft chuckle from the girl. She slowly sat up, leaving the warmth of Han's embrace before she ran his hand through her hair. Her gaze moved to meet his, fear evident in her eyes. A sigh left her mouth as she moved to stand, she ran her fingers through her hair again before placing a piece of gum in her mouth.

'I suppose I have to see everyone,' She sighed again.

'And I'll be right by your side, princessa,' Han replied as he reached for her hand.

After Han stood, they made their way out of the room as they walked towards where the rest of the crew sat; fingers linked. Her whole body tensed as they got closer, she silently hoped they wouldn't bring anything up because she didn't want to talk about it. But she was surprised when she was added straight into the conversation, after sitting down.

'Hey, baby girl, what do you think about changing the colour of Brian's smurf car? We were thinking a white, with blue designs,' Tej asked quickly.

'Uh, yeh. That sounds good. That colour's giving me a headache,' She said softly.

Brian scoffed, 'Like you can talk. What about your Kermit the frog? It ain't any better.'

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