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'Ah. My day just got a whole hell of a lot better.'

'And mine just got a hell of a lot worse.'


Blake Toretto woke to the sound of giggling and hushing noises, her hair being tugged at by little hands. Slowly, she raised her head and smiled when she saw Nico looking at her with innocent eyes, before it quickly disappeared as she looked at the familiar face beside him. There stood Zander, purple bags under his eyes with his hair a mess as he looked down at her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes as she sat up, placing a kiss to Nico's head before she stretched and slouched in her seat.

'I thought I sent you home,' She stated tiredly.

'Nope. I missed my flight and decided to stay,' He replied simply before he made his way around the bed.

He reached down when he got to her, wrapping her in a hug which she returned gratefully before he placed a kiss to her forehead. The girl smiled up at him as he released her, Nico watching them curiously from where he sat on his bed. The door clicked open, catching the trio's attention as they watched Rosa entered the room before giving them a tired smile. Blake listened to Nico making car noises as he pushed the blue toy car over his sheets, her eyes never leaving Rosa as she made her way towards her before hugging her tight; mumbling words into her ear.

But before could reply a knock came at the door, once again catching her attention as Julia stuck her head in the door with a polite smile, 'Blake, there's someone here wanting to see you.'

The youngest Toretto furrowed her eyebrows but stood anyway, moving quickly out of the room; shutting the door quietly behind her. And as soon as she saw the large group of men standing down the end of the hall, all wearing black suits with a serious look on each of their faces, a scowl made it's way onto her lips. Instantly, her hands went to her hip and thigh in search for her gun or knife, almost sighing in relief when she felt her knife and gun; both in their usual places. She slowly approached the men, her eyes searching for any little movement that could let her know she was about to get hurt.

'Posso ajudar?' She asked.

'Excuse me?' The man asked.

'Can I help you?'

'Blake Toretto, you're to come with us.'


'That wasn't a question, you will comply or face the consequences.'

'What are you? My mother?'

'No, I am the law.'

Blake rolled her eyes and turned around to walk away, her hand resting just by her thigh in case the man decided to take action against her. But as she turned around to stab him in the thigh as he charge at her, something pricked her neck; causing her to collapse to the ground before everything went black.

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