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'Just wondering

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'Just wondering. Is that where Han got the twenty grand in cash?'

'Han doesn't race, cerdo. I do. Or do you not remember me flogging your culo? Were my tail lights not bright enough for you?'


Blake Toretto walked along the line of cars waiting to race, her fingers running along the side of each car as the men checked out her body. Wolf whistles came from inside the cars as she chuckled lightly, before heading over to the organiser of the races; money in hand.

'I want a race,' She stated bluntly.

'You wanna race?' He eyed her from the shoes up and when he saw her face, he froze; 'Toretto, hey. I'll- I'll set you up in the next race.'

The girl smirked, slamming down a wad of cash into his hand before heading to her car. Han sat in the passenger side, smirking at his sister as she slid into the drivers side. Her foot pressed lightly on the accelerator causing the engine to roar, before she allowed the car to move forward. The crowd parted for her Challenger, her opponent sitting at the starting line.

She didn't bother took look towards the car next to her as she spat her old piece of gum out of the window, though Han did; glaring at the man. The organiser came into the middle of the road as two racer chasers sprayed the line across the tar, the guy smirked after they had finished. He pointed to both the cars, one after the other, getting a rev in return from each.

'Ready!' He called.

It was then Blake looked over at her opponent to see a man who looked in his late twenties, blowing kisses her way. She threw a smug look his way, and the man stopped as he saw her face.


'You know, the only thing you'll be kissing is my bunda!' She called out her window.

'Wh-' He was cut off by the organiser yelling.


Her foot slammed down and the car was thrown forward, her opponent leaving the starting line seconds later after recovering from the shock of the girl's words. The cars stayed close, Blake in front by two rotations of her wheels. Han smirking, she would win this. She laughed loudly as he opponent released his NOS into his engine, his car flying in front.

'Amateurs,' The green eyed girl scoffed.

She looked over at her brother and raised an eyebrow at him, before turning and pushing her own NOS button. The Challenger flew in front passing over the line finish line just in front of her opponent's dodgy Hyundai, she cheered as the guy beside her yelled. Blake loved allowing whoever she was versing to think they were winning, before she crushed their ego. Many of the people she went up against hardly lost, and losing to a girl made it even worse than just losing.

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