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'What baby gift were you talking about before?'

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'What baby gift were you talking about before?'

'It was a little secret Brian and I had, I told him to keep it from you because I knew you'd reject it.'


As Blake Torretto re-entered the building with Vince and Han by her side, the smell of burning meat invaded her lungs. Her stomach growled quietly in protest of not being fed all day, the smell got stronger with every step she took. Her fingers fidgeted by her side, she didn't want to eat with Dominic or Mia after what they had done tonight; so instead she walked over to her car and popped the hood.

'You hungry?' Dom called from where he stood.

'Yeah, sure,' Vince replied unsure.

'Good. Because you're saying grace.'

'Thanks, Vince,' Brian said as he approached the man with his hand held out.

Vince took it in his and gave it a hard shake, before they headed over to where the rest of the crew sat. The chatter had remained as everyone left Blake on her own, knowing she'd come over when she was ready and after an argument like that, they weren't sure how long it would take. The girl took things to heart when it came to family, with anyone else whether it be a friend, associate or complete stranger, she didn't care what they thought; she simply respected her family's opinions.

The sound of Tego and Santos muttering in Spanish put a small smile on her face as she worked, the pair were just as bad as Reiko and Earl when it came down to anything. Always bickering, they were. It was near constant, but she knew, despite how much they did fight, they loved one another through it all. 

'Yo, you burned it!' Santos exclaimed.

'Yo, this is how my mamma does it. Relax,' Tego grumbled in reply.

'Yeah, but your mum is the worst cook in the world.'

'Yo, don't you be talking bout my mamma.'

Blake snorted at the pair, 'Yup, exactly like Reiko and Earl.'

She reached for her rag which sat on the bench beside her,  wiping her hands. She had to eat sometime and it was better to get it over and done with while the food was still hot. Her eye scanned the lounges, taking quick note that Dom wasn't there, before she made her way over and sat down beside Tej.

'Look who decided to join us?' The man called.

'I gotta eat,' She mumbled in return.

'Yeah, come on, baby. Who's good living? To you, bro. Cheers, cheers, cheers,' Rome clicked his tongue; 'So, we in Brazil. It's the good life.'

'Yeah,' Tej confirmed.

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