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'W-Why did she leave me? We h-had everything planned, we were finally going to settle down

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'W-Why did she leave me? We h-had everything planned, we were finally going to settle down.'

'I don't know, Han, I don't know.'


The sight of their enemy made the crew stop, glares set on every single one of their faces; though many of their eyes held confusion as to why Hobbs had let the man out. Blake Toretto twisted her knife in her fingers as her anger rose, her eyes dark as she glared at the man. She knew he was up to something, otherwise Luke wouldn't have let him out. Shaw's sadistic smirk sat comfortably on his lips as he eyed every single one of the crew, his gaze lingering on Dom, Blake and Brian a little longer than the others.

'You guys really think you've won,' Shaw drawled; 'This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game. I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto. But, you didn't listen.'

Blake looked sceptically at the man as she tried to figure out what he was going on about while he continued to talk, 'I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want. And I have... Maybe you should call Mia.'

The girl could feel her breath catch in her throat at the thought of her nephew being hurt, as well as her sister. She stopped the knife from twisting in her hand, holding it in a tight grip as she tried to keep herself from attacking the man in front of her. Her lips turned into a sneer when she felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, from the corner of her eye she saw Tej come into view on her right and Han on her left as he too placed a hand on her shoulder. All Blake wanted to do in that very moment was stab the man dead, as well as anyone else who dared harm her family.

Brian felt the fear settle in his stomach as he took his phone from his pocket, tears already welling in his eyes at the thought of his wife being harmed. He pressed on her name, and the already quiet room seemed to go quieter as the phone began to ring. He brought it up to his ear so he could hear her voice when she answered. The man's eyes flickered to Shaw, who looked rather smug with the whole situation.

The line went silent as the phone was answered and Brian spoke urgently, 'Mia?'

'Brian!' Mia's scream could be heard by the whole crew.

The blue eyed man launched himself forward at the same time Blake did, her eyes blazing with anger. Brian managed to land a hard hit to Shaw's face, the girl wishing she could've done the same as she struggled against Han and Tej's grip. If Shaw wasn't dead before, she was sure everyone in the crew wanted to kill him now. Soldiers surrounded Brian as they pulled him off the enemy, who still managed to keep the smug look on his face during the hit. Roman and Tej moved forward to grab their friend from the hands of the soldiers, Tej's hand being replaced by Gisele's on the youngest Toretto's shoulder.

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