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'Running ain't freedom

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'Running ain't freedom. You should know that.'

'Shut up, all of you! That's my brother on that table over there! He's gone because of Reyes, he's left his son and wife behind because of that man!'


Blake Toretto sat tiredly in the back of the jacked up jeep, her hands stuck in cuffs and her head leant against Vince's shoulder. Hobbs had finally caught them, they were finally going to jail. An uneasy feeling had settled in her stomach, one she was becoming more familiar with since she had arrived back in L.A and all she knew was something bad was going to happen. The car bounced through the potholes, causing the girl to jolt in her seat before a curse flew out of her mouth.

'Yeah. We're coming in now. Have the marshals meet us at the airport when we land,' Hobbs muttered into the phone.

She rolled her eyes, if they thought they were taking her in, they were wrong. She wasn't done with Reyes and he wasn't done with her. He had something up his sleeve, she knew it. It was his turn to make a move, but when he would make it, she didn't know. Though, she had a feeling it would be sooner then she thought.

Everyone sat grim faced with their heads low, they had failed. No one looked at each other, no one spoke either. Elena sat behind Hobbs, watching them like a hawk in case anything were to be plotted whilst they drove. The jeeps flew over another hill, Blake's head slamming into the window as she cursed loudly once again.

'That perra better slow his culo down or I'll jump him,' She muttered lowly whilst rubbing her head.

Nobody acknowledged her comment as she laid her head on Vinces shoulder, looking across at Han who sent her a small smile. Dom hadn't moved from the moment the six of them sat down, neither had Mia or Brian for that matter. It was as though they were all scared to move, or speak; scared of Hobbs.

'Ambush!' Hobbs suddenly yelled causing the girl to sit up straight.

Through the front wind screen she saw one of Reyes' men standing on a roof, a rocket launcher in hand. It was fired at the jeep quickly after, hitting the ute in front. Blake smirked, so this was Reyes plan. To rescue them, whilst also trying to kill them; a technique she would've also used. Bullets ricocheted off the jeep as the gunshots echoed through the streets, sending all street goers inside. The jeep ran over a parked car, causing them to almost flip as they clung onto each other to stop themselves from falling.

'Wilkes, suppression fire. Shut them down,' Luke yelled through the walkie talkie before he turned to the man beside him; 'Stagger-step. Cover me. Watch them!'

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