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'Who are you?'

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'Who are you?'

'Someone you used to know.'


As Blake Toretto and her crew enter the shady part of town, they pulled up at a place next to the train lines. The buildings were run down and, she guessed, this was a hideout or a very low key business. Her arms hung loosely around Roman's neck as he gave her a piggyback ride, after she had complained about the car ride over with Han and Gisele; saying there was too much PDA for her liking. She was happy for her brother, but she didn't need to see all the extras.

'Alright, this is number five on our list,' Riley informed.

A blonde man stood down on the level below, studying a type of gun. The girl slid off Roman's back as they came to a stop to watch what he was doing, he picked up the gun and aimed it at a concrete slab. He fired the gun, the arrow ploughed through the wall before a set of hooks held it into place.

'Holy shit. What's the dude plan on hunting? Moby Dick?' Roman exclaimed.

'That must be our guy,' Han added on; 'So, how do you all want to play this?'

Blake could think of many ways on how to handle the situation, none of them however ended nicely. Her mind ticked over as she thought of the time in Tokyo with that Alex guy before he tried to kill her, that just might work.

'Han and I got this,' Roman's voice cut through her thoughts; 'We go in tight, you let me do all the talking, and you all have my back on it.'

'There is one thing you boys are forgetting,' Blake said as she looked at Gisele as she smirked at her.

'He's a man,' Gisele finished.

'Let's go.'

The girl smirked in the direction of the unknowing blonde, he had no idea what was in store for him. She would get this information out of him easy, a man would do anything to get some in bed. Her hand moved to her hair as she pulled out her low ponytail and removed her hat, before messing up her hair a little and placing it back on. Gisele and Riley were also readying themselves, showing cleavage and changing their looks slightly.

Back up top, Roman looked at Han baffled, 'He's a man?'

'You know, she always says that,' Han replied thinking about what his girlfriend was up to.

Roman huffed in reply before turning back to look down at the armed man below, trying to figure out what she meant. The door opened from below, and the blonde man turned to see who had entered causing Roman and Han to watch in anticipation; they were sure it would be good.

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