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'Blake, it's Dom. I need you to meet us in Berlin, we've got a jobs from Hobbs.'


It had been hours since Blake Toretto and Zander had brought Nico to the hospital where Jackson's wife, Julia, took the boy in right away; placing him in a room to himself in the kid's ward. They had gotten previous test results and new samples from the boy, as well as numerous questions for the pair; like why they hadn't brought the boy in sooner and how they knew it was Reye's syndrome. The youngest Toretto had done her research before coming over, and all Nico's symptoms were pointing towards the illness. She was correct, of course, the doctor's Rosa had seen had waved it off and claimed it was simply a virus.

Nico laid tiredly on the bed, his eyes half shut as they stared out at the wall across the room. An IV drip was connected to his arm, the boy having gotten very angry suddenly when they put it in; but they knew it was all apart of the sickness. Blake held onto his small hand, her head resting on her other hand that was propped on the bed. Rosa had arrived not long ago, and was currently downstairs getting something to drink with Zander.

'Aunty Blake, eu vou morrer?' The child asked groggily.

'No. No, claro que não. Eu nunca deixaria isso acontecer,' She replied instantly with tears in her eyes.

She wiped her face as she looked over at the eight year old, his own gaze meeting hers with tears dripping down his face. Her hand over her mouth as she silenced a sob, moving herself so she was laying on the bed beside Nico; pulling him into her side, holding him close as he cried into her shirt.

'Eu... Eu não quero morrer tia,' He cried.

'Você não vai ao meu sobrinho, não por um longo tempo,' Blake replied as steadily as she could without her voice cracking.

The girl leant down and placed a kiss to Nico's head, before leaning her head in the exact same spot; singing softly as she tried to lull the boy off the sleep.  As his breaths got slower, she knew he was asleep, but she didn't move from her spot on her bed; she wanted to be close to her nephew. She looked up as the door opened, Julia walking in quietly before she shut the door behind her.

'He thinks he's going to die,' Blake stated solemnly.

'He won't die, though there is the possible chance of brain damage if he gets any worse. But he will need to stay here for treatment, it's too dangerous for his health to let him go home,' Julia replied.

'Ok, that's ok. Uh, I'll be paying for all the treatment and any other costs so please don't go asking Rosa. She doesn't need any of this, neither does Nico. Is there anyway to open a direct deposit or something like that?'

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