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'Mia, what's going on?'

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'Mia, what's going on?'

'Letty's been murdered.'


The plane landed roughly on the runway, bouncing Blake Toretto out of her sleeping state. A soft groan left her mouth as she tried to wake herself up, before nudging Han who was still asleep beside her. He turned away from the girl, but continued to sleep as she nudged him again. The girl shook her head at his sleeping body as she released the seat belt from the buckle and stood, kicking Han hard in the shins. It was then he woke up, cursing under his breath at the sudden pain in his lower legs.

He glared up at his sister, before rubbing his eyes and getting up. The pair walked down the aisle and off the plane, Blake took a deep breath as she breathed in the fresh Los Angeles air. A chuckle came from behind her as Han began to push her down the stairs, her own spilling from her lips. They walked side by side all the way to get their bags, when Han's phone went off causing him to pause while he checked it. Her stomach churned at the noise, she had a bad feeling again but hadn't told Han yet.

Blake huffed as she pulled her heavy bag off the ledge, making it land with a thud in front of her, before she pulled Han's off as well. She turned to find him on the phone to someone, deep in conversation and his eyes occasionally flickered to her before looking away. He looked distressed, but didn't say anything about the call as he hung up and took his bag from the girl.

'Who was that?' Blake questioned, placing gum in between her teeth.

'Uh, your brother?' He replied.


'I've got to go, Blakey, I'll see you back at the hotel.'

Blake watched as he walked away and she was furious. They had been here all of five seconds and her brother was hitting up Han for jobs, no doubt. She began to walk out the front and called out for a cab to take her to the hotel they were staying at, till they could find a place to live.

It was about half an hour later when the cab pulled up in front of the hotel, the girl quickly paid the driver before hastily getting out of the car and grabbed her things. She didn't want anyone recognising her before the races tomorrow night, though she had to make sure her cars had arrived safely and without any damage first.

The girl walked inside and checked into the hotel before she made her way up to a beautifully decorated room. She had just placed the keys to the room on the kitchen bench, and spat her gum out, when a hand latched on to her upper arm; instantly the girl to turn and punch the person who just happened to be Han.

'Mierda, I'm so sorry! You should've known that would happen! It's instinct,' She exclaimed.

Han groaned in pain as he held the side of his face, she had landed a fairly hard hit to his jaw. He shook it off before standing and as he was about to talk, Blake's phone started ringing. The girl looked him in alarm after she read the caller I.D, Mia. She hadn't spoken to her since she left all those years ago, for her to call out of the blue meant something serious had happened. Han took a step closer to her which frightened her even more, he knew what was going on.

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