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'You're also the alpha's sister

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'You're also the alpha's sister. I can tell because he seems very protective over you, that and you seem protective over everyone here like their your family.'

'That's cause they are.'


Blake Toretto drew a sharp breath when she saw the destroyed Charger sitting at the bottom of the steep mountain cliff, smoke from the engine floating out into the air. As Letty's car came to a halt, she climbed over the centre console and followed after Brian as he opened the car door, clambering out behind him. She didn't move from her spot behind the door as the rest of the crew got out of their own cars, making their way over to check on Dom. Brian was the first to reach the car, Letty and Tej close behind.

The man was ambushed at the top of the cliff by the people who wanted Ramsey, after he had gotten rid of Shaw for a while. Instead of Dom letting them take Ramsey, he threw himself off the cliff in his car, having no other way out of the situation. Blake couldn't judge, she would've done the same. Those men who wanted Ramsey would've gone to any lengths to get the information they wanted, maybe even killed the woman.

'Looks like our demon love child worked,' Tej chided proudly.

'That's one way down a mountain,' Brian smiled.

'Where's Ramsey?' Blake questioned, looks of recognition appearing on the crew's faces as they looked back at Dom.

The youngest Toretto made her way over to the passenger side of the Charger where an unconscious Ramsey sat, strapped into her seat belt. She pressed her foot up beside the edge of the door before she pulled on the frame, the door falling off with ease. She coughed as small dirt particles flew into the air as the door hit the ground before she crouched down, leaning into the car and unclicking Ramsey from her seat.

Behind her, Letty reached in to help her, the woman grabbing onto Ramsey's legs as Blake grabbed her arms. The pair carried her over to Tej's jeep, placing her in the back before they headed back to their original car, Brian sliding into Roman's car as he pulled up; Dom going with Tej. The girl's lead the way to the meeting place, a small dock near a nearby river.

As they arrived they carried Ramsey over to the bench, laying her there before the crew all moved away to talk among themselves. Blake stood beside Letty as she leant on a wooden pole, the pair making no noise as they watched the the unconscious woman; the green eyed girl's gaze settled on the glistening water as the sun hit it.

'Hello Kitty is awake,' Letty announced to Dom before she turned to face the tan woman again.

'She don't look like a hacker to me,' Roman said to Tej.

'Oh, yeah? And what do hackers look like?' The man hissed in reply.

'They don't supposed to look like that. I'm just saying, like, you know how they normally wear them little, weird glasses that's all crooked, and pimples all over their face from drinking soda? I mean, trust me, with a body like that, you ain't gonna park it behind a computer.'

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