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'You missed a lot when you were running around on your fiend, brother.'


Blake Toretto laid on the roof of her car in the hot sun of Brazil in just a bikini top and shorts, enjoying the heat as she shared a drink with her family. Around her, her Tokyo crew lazed about in chairs and lounges, the kids running riot in the alley as her men watched closely over them. She took a sip of her beer, greeting the coolness of the liquid with open arms.

'Alright,' She stated suddenly; 'Den, tell me something about yourself.'

'What?' The boy retorted out of confusion.

'I know nothing about you and if you wanna be apart of this crew, I gotta know you. So, tell me something. A story or some mierda.'

'Uh... The day I got my first car, I got into my first car accident, speeding.'

'Totalled it?'

'Yeh, got a mad scar from it, too.'

She chuckled, 'I got this mad scar when a psycho crashed into me because he lost a race.'

She ran her finger along her hairline where the faded scar laid, an amused huff.

'Alright, Kat, let's hear it,' She waved her hand in the air.

'I-I... I stole a car when I was fifteen, then got too scared and ditched it two blocks down the road,' The girl blushed lightly.

Blake laughed at that, along with everyone else. Kat laughed with them, knowing she'd come a long way since then.

'I ran away from home when I was eleven, stole my mum's car and crashed it,' Rumi smirked; 'Then I went home to get my Dad's and only just made it out of the street before the cops turned up.'

'Who got in trouble, you or your parents?' She smirked.


'Carter, you gonna join us?'

'Why?' The girl sighed.

'The more you tell me, the more I tell you,' Blake glanced over at her.

'Fine... I started drinking because my father killed my mum when I was thirteen. I live with my aunt, she was the one who wants to see me do better.'

'Wow... And you reckon you've been doing better for her?'

'No... Not really.'



'You finally realised how dumb you've been.'

Carter rolled her eyes as she pushed herself up to stand, walking away. Blake sighed, rolling her eyes as she moved to follow the girl.

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