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'You heard him

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'You heard him. But, this is different. We're not dealing with cops, we're not dealing with drug dealers. This is a whole different level.'

'Welcome to my world.'


Blake Toretto examined the blade of her knife, looking at her reflection on the silver surface as she thought over everything. After Hobbs had left she had gone out to do some business with some clients, before she went and had a little target practice on the outskirts of the city to release some of her anger; though it hadn't worked in the slightest. The girl couldn't get the image out of her head, Letty's crash replaying in the back of her mind as the photo Hobbs had given her was all she could see; the black and white photo of the woman was driving her insane.

She slammed her hands down on the table when a knock at her door sounded through her home, she had just sat down. As calmly as she could, she placed her knife onto the table and stood with her gun in hand. She was going to shoot whoever was on the other side of the door, she had told her men to stay away and let nobody up, no matter who it was.

Blake placed her hand on the handle before flinging the door open and raising her gun, her finger sitting heavily on the trigger until she saw who was standing there. The gun in her hand was lowered as she reapplied the safety, before she dropped it onto the floor. A large smile planted itself onto her lips as she launched herself onto the best friend, tears of joy burning her eyes.

'Hey, hermoso,' She cried as she squeezed him a little tighter.

'Hey, princessa,' Han said softly as he rubbed her back soothingly.

'I missed you so much.'

'I've missed you too, Blakey.'

She released the man and allowed him inside, closing the door behind him. She ran her hand through her hair as her smile remained on her face, eyes following him. The girl watched as he looked around her bare house, hardly any decorations where there; apart from the occasional photo or two. As he turned back to face her, his face had gone solemn as he looked at her, suspicion rising in her stomach. She was happy he was there, but it confused her as to why he didn't call first.

'What made you decide to come over to Brazil?' She queried.

'Just thought I'd come and check on my little sister,' He replied.

She sighed, 'Cut the merda, Han. Why'd you really come?'

'Hobbs sent me. We need you, Blakey, we need your help to bring Letty home.'

'Not you, too, Han. Letty's dead. You went to her funeral, you watched her casket go into the ground. You were there when Mia called... She's gone.'

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