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'What are you doing man? Come on

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'What are you doing man? Come on.'

'Venga! Vamonos!'


Blake Toretto walked half way up the driveway after she hugged Fenix goodbye, a smile on her face as she turned to face the man. He had just dropped off her new car via a tow truck, it was a black 1972 Ford Gran Torino Sport. She was glad that he had fulfilled his promise, so she didn't have to ruin any of her cars whilst working for Braga. She watched as he climbed into the truck before rolling the window down, yelling out to the girl.

'Hey, Little Rose, there's a party tonight for the new people joining Braga. You gonna come join us?' Fenix called.

'I'll see, Fe. You know I don't want anybody recognising me,' She called back.

'Come on, girl, just wear that mask of yours and we'll be all good.'

She waved him off as she headed inside to talk to Han, a frown settled on her lips. If she was going to any sort of party with Fenix and Campos, she didn't want Han getting caught up with Braga's deals. The smell of coffee hit her nose as she entered the kitchen, only seconds later Han was handing her a mug full of it. She took a small sip of the liquid before looking up at the man, who looked troubled.

The past twelve hours had been tense between the pair and Blake silently hoped he wouldn't bring up what she said, she hated herself for even saying those words to him. Han was always there for her, no matter where he was in the world. Her brother, on the other hand, hadn't even bothered contacting her after he saw her after Letty's funeral. He didn't care about her, she had concluded.

'I'm going to a party tonight,' Blake stated.

Han looked at her in surprise, she never went to a party without him, but he nodded anyway. He couldn't stop her, though he wished he could keep her safe from the evil in the world. He didn't want her to get into any more trouble than she was already in with the cops. A sigh left his mouth as he looked at the girl in front of him.

'Ok, you call me if you need me,' He huffed.

'I love you, brother,' She replied.

'Love you, too, Blakey.'

She sent Han a fleeting look before heading to her room to change, her thoughts swirling around her head. She had to do this to find out the plan for this job of Braga's. She needed the money, as did Han; she was doing it for them. By the time Blake got the party, it was in full swing. Racer chasers, wearing shorts that wear small enough to be call belts, surrounded men who had the hood of their cars up showing off their ride. The girl parked up the road, away from the massive crowd, before she tied her mask around her head. She headed up stairs and ordered a Corona at the bar, taking a seat a few seats up from where her brother and Blue Eyes were standing.

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