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'Dede! How ya been, girl?'

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'Dede! How ya been, girl?'

'Bebe! I'm good, look at you though, girl! Looking good.'


Brian O'Conner stepped off the jet after it touched down in LA, his wrists bound together as they sat in front of him on the bright orange jumpsuit. He walked lazily down the stairs, the Air Marshals following close behind. He smirked to himself as he saw the familiar cop walking towards him, a cocky look on the man's face.

'Well, well, well. The orange in that really makes your eyes pop,' Stasiak chided; 'Thanks, fellas.'

The man signed off on a sheet, before leading Brian towards the police car looking smug, 'Tell me something, O'Conner, how is it you keep running around the world, breaking every law known to man, and yet here I am, putting my job on the line for you?'

'You'll feel a lot better once you get the credit for taking down Shaw,' Brian chastised.

'Oh, I'm tempted to settle for you.'

'Well, you know what they say, Stasiak, if you want the career-changing big fish, you got to be willing to put on the big boy panties and sail out to the deep water.'

'You're an asshole, you know that?'

Stasiak opened the car door, and shoved Brian inside harshly with a scowl on his face. The blue eyed man chuckled loudly, a large grin on his face knowing he was pushing the cops buttons.

'I missed you, too, man. I really missed you,' He chuckled.

The car engine stared before Stasiak began to drive towards the prison. The drive was short and sweet, with little chat between the ex partners. As they pulled up at the jail, the cop began to talk.

'I got you admitted into Victorville to do whatever you got to do. It's a twenty four hour hold. You need to be out of there by nine a.m. That's when Forensics will run your fingerprints through the national database. That program will match you and when they find out who you really are, I won't be able to get you back out. We're talking life in prison,' He stated.

Brian nodded silently, before he was taken out of the car and into security where they took photos before emoting all his belongings. He remained silent the whole time, hoeing and praying that this plan worked because he didn't want to go to jail.

Stasiak began to lead him away towards his cell, 'So, I found out Braga's being held in cell block D Three. That's solitary. I only had enough juice to get you in Gen Pop. So you're going to have to do something to get his attention.'

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