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'You did good, Bandit

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'You did good, Bandit.'

'I hope so, Blue Eyes, I really do.'


Blake Toretto paced her small house, waiting for the knock at her door. She had sent Mia and Brian to Rosa's knowing they'd be safe, whilst she waited for the two kids to arrive. She ran her hands through her hair for the millionth time, and could practically hear Han in the back of her mind telling her to calm down because she would even be stressing him out. 

She chuckled to herself quietly at the thought as she paused, moving over to the couch before she sat in the edge of it; bouncing her knee to try and calm her nerves. Her head snapped up at a knock at the door, and almost instantly, she was over the other side of the room opening it. Blake smiled as she swung the door open, before it quickly disappeared before reappearing at the sight of Zander standing in her doorway.

'Heard you could use some company,' He smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

'Thanks,' She replied quietly before letting him in.

Blake shut the door in slight disappointment, before she turned; finding herself face to face with Rumi's chest as he wrapped his arms around her. She returned the gesture, before he kissed her cheek and lead her over to the couch to sit. They sat, Zander's arm wrapped around her shoulders as her head leant on his.

'What have I done, Zand?' The green eyed girl muttered.

'Something good,' He replied as he looked down at her.

'I haven't though. I can't give them the life they think I can, I'm giving them false hope. I'm going to make them like me without even thinking about it.'

'Well, if they turn out to be as strong, stubborn and loving as you, I don't think it's a bad thing.'

The girl didn't reply, instead she smiled softly to herself before it turned to a frown. She was back to being worried about the lives of the kids she was taking in, wishing more then anything for Han to tell her what to do.

'Why are you so nice to me?' She asked Zander as she looked up at him.

'Because I like you, Blake, a lot actually,' Rumi replied simply.

'Don't lie.'

'I'm not.'

'Prove it.'

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