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'Ok, I'll wait, but patience isn't one of my virtues, Dominic.'


Blake Toretto sat freezing on the hood of her mustang as she waited for instructions from Dom, her eyes scanning the horizon from any sign of her crew. She had gotten to Harry's the previous night at around nine, the man asleep behind his desk until he was awoken by her chuckle. Immediately, she had gotten to work adding modifications to the mustang; Harry leaving a few hours later, telling her to lock up just like old times. After five hours of working on the once badly tuned car, she had finished and headed to the airport after leaving a note for Harry.

The girl rubbed her gloved hands up and down her upper arms, trying to find some sort of warmth as she chewed on a piece of gum. She looked across at the white abyss, nothing had changed since she had seen Dom disappear inside the fortress in the middle; apart from a few explosions there was no sign of her team. Blake sighed, her breath coming out in a white fog, before she began to fidget with her knife. She hated waiting. It simply bored her.

'Kenz,' Her brother called through the walkie talkie; 'Kenz, you there?'

She stood and leant inside her car to grab the walkie talkie, 'Yeh, I'm here.'

'Change of plans. How good is your aim?'

'Perfect. What's the coordinates?'

'I'll send them through.'

Her GPS buzzed on the seat, lighting up before a red dot began blinking on the screen; a blue approaching the point. Dom had put a tracker on his car, making it easier to know where he was.

'Got it,' She muttered through.

'Wait for my signal,' Dom demanded.



'Ok, I'll wait, but patience isn't one of my virtues, Dominic.'

Blake could practically see her brother chuckling to himself as he drove, not bothering to reply. She rolled her eyes, throwing the GPS into the passenger seat before she slid into the car; starting the engine. She drove forward, her eyes scanning the surrounding snow; trying to find a place to get a good shot.

The girl grabbed the GPS, one hand on the steering wheel as she used the other to move the map on the screen around. The sniper gun she had brought had a range of about a thousand metres, but it would only come into use if she could get a clear shot. The youngest Toretto smirked when she found a cliff that looked right over the destination Dom was headed to, and it was in the direction she was headed.

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