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'What is your issue?'

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'What is your issue?'

'My issue is that you keep reminding me that you could die in less than an hour and I can't do anything to stop it.'


Blake Toretto had been quiet since the Takashi ordeal, hardly speaking to anyone unless she had to. Though everyone knew why, her life was on the line and in a couple of hours, she could be dead or fleeing the city. She spent most of the time either sitting upstairs staring blankly at the wall, or she was helping put together Sean's 1967 Ford Mustang Fastback that his dad had given to him.

It had taken them all week to finish it and it looked amazing in Blake's eyes. The car was the same model as her own and she took it upon herself to design the paint job for the car, which she painted black before adding two large white stripes that went from bumper to bumper. Sean loved the car and had thanked Blake numerous times but, she simply waved him off each time

Han had been keeping a close eye on the girl, she had made it pretty clear she didn't want to talk to anyone but, he felt like he had to do something for her to make this day the best one she's ever had in a while. That's when an idea hit him, he grabbed the keys to her Dodge Challenger and walked over to the car. He watched as her head popped up from the couch when she heard the engine of her car start.

The girl slowly stood and walked over to the railing of the balcony, a small smile playing on her lips. Han revved the engine before sticking his hand out the window, motioning for her to come down. Blake shook her head at her brother's antics, but jumped over the edge of the balcony anyway.

'Let's take a drive,' He called out to her.

She didn't speak as she nodded her head and got in the passenger seat of the car, resting her head against the cool window as she closed her eyes. As the car began to move she opened her eyes watched the buildings fly past the car, the road disappeared under the car before reappearing out the other side. The radio played softly, the car engine rumbling seemed to drown out the music, but it was the only music Blake needed to hear.

Many thoughts raced around the girl's head as she closed her eyes once again, but she didn't mind. She wanted to relive as many memories as she could before tonight's race. She remembered Dominic teaching her to drive, laughing at her as she bunny hopped up the driveway. She remembered hanging out with Letty, as she helped teach her how to clean an engine. She remembered Sunday barbecues with the team, everyone there was happy. No one had a care in the world.

She remembered her first street race, and every single one after it. The amazing people who taught her everything she knew, and all the people she met along the way. She remembered her father's death, and the funeral. Dominic beating a guy half to death before her eyes, then being arrested late one night. Sitting in court, only to watch him be taken behind a wooden door and she hasn't seen him since. She remembered the day she was caught for boosting a car and sent to juvie for six months before leaving and travelling around world.

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