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'No, Blake. You're staying with the team and that's final.'

'You're not Dad, Dom, so stop acting like you are and instead start acting like the brother you used to be before the power went to your head.'


About half an hour before the sun was due to rise, Blake Toretto snuck out of the small garage and out the back to catch her brother out on his act. She knew he was going to try and leave her behind in this mission, leave them all behind, to be exact. She knew her brother couldn't take Shaw on by himself, he could try but he would get hurt doing so. The girl shrunk back into the shadows as quiet footsteps approached the alley, a smirk appearing on her face as her brother's shadow appeared in front of her.

'We should go now. Just you, your team, and me,' His gruff voice sliced the air.

'I thought you said at dawn,' Mr Nobody replied in confusion.

'My guys are racers, the best drivers in the world. But, they ain't killers.'

Blake let a loud laugh as she pushed herself off the wall she leant on, exiting the shadows with a couple of steps; her signature smirk placed on her lips as she chewed her mint gum. She stood in the light, cocking a brow at her brother before she began tapping her chin with her forefinger.

'That's funny because I believe I am the only killer on the team, Nic. You may think you are, but in reality, your not, so I will be going with you. Not for your sake, but for hermano's,' She sassed as she walked circles around her brother.

'Told you she'd say that. I know you two too well, and I'm going with you,' Brian called as he exited the garage.

The brunette girl chuckled and shook her head as Mr. Nobody spoke, 'Well, looks like we got a nice little hunting party. Let's go bag a shadow.'

It was about a twenty minute drive to Shaw's hideout, Blake using the short trip to sharpen her knife and load her gun before she unloaded it numerous times. The trip was silent and uneventful, leaving her tired. As the pulled up, Mr. Nobody's men were out of the car and racing towards the back door of Shaw's hideout, the youngest Toretto smirked as she slid out of the car with her gun securely in hand.

'Ten clicks out, boys. Get ready to rock and roll,' Mr Nobody called as he made his way over; 'Here we go. Weapons hot.'

'You ready for this?' Dom asked as he came up behind the girl with Brian by his side.

'Hell yeah,' She replied.

'Yeah,' Brian stated with a smile.

The trio entered the building in silence, creeping behind stacks of crates as they stayed out of sight. It didn't take long for them to find Shaw as he ate quietly at a table by himself reading a paper, acting like he didn't know they were there. Everybody got into position before Dom and Blake exited from their hiding spots with Brian beside them, the girl wearing her signature smirk.

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