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'I'll make it better, I promise, I'll make it better

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'I'll make it better, I promise, I'll make it better.'

'Thankyou, my girl.'


Blake Toretto strode confidently through the streets in the Favellas, her steel gaze glaring at everyone to dared to look her way. Though, she had originally planned to see Rosa and Nico first, a quick call from Carlito had changed all that. She looked behind her subtly to check on the boy she had brought with her, much to her dismay. No matter how much she had tried to convince him, he wouldn't give in to anything she had said. To say the least, Rumi was a stubborn one.

The girl hadn't wanted any of the rookies to know about her life in Brazil, besides the fact she had family over there. The side of her that came out while she was there was a scary one, one that most people can't handle which is why she basically ran the country. She didn't want Rumi to see this side of her because she didn't want to loose him, but now there was a chance she could simply because he couldn't follow a simple request.

Loud cheers came from either side of her as she passed her men that were currently guarding her house and the surrounding buildings, they all smiled at her; some even patting her on the back as she passed them. Blake nodded back at them with a smirk, continuing to make her way up to her house to meet with Carlito and the other men she had left in charge. She could hear yells coming from behind her as the men stopped Zander from following after her, but she whistled and waved her hand in the air; signalling them to back down. Instantly, the yelling stopped and loud footsteps came from behind her as the boy caught up.

'Few rules about being here, don't talk to anyone other then me. Don't look at anyone, not even if I'm talking to them. And last but not least, follow any command I give you or you will die. Got it?' Blake stated as she stopped in front of her door.

Rumi swallowed audibly before speaking, 'Got it.'

It was then Blake swung open the door, marching in; not even acknowledging the fact that several guns were aimed at her. They were all lowered quickly as the men realised it was only their boss, smiles appearing on all of their faces at the realisation.

'Rapazes,' The youngest Toretto said with a smirk.

'Chefe,' The men around her replied in unison.

'Vamos começar a trabalhar, devemos?'

'Sim, chefe.'


The man stepped forward instantly, 'Nós temos dois homens que foram pegos tentando roubar a casa, matamos um de seus membros, mas achamos que nos deixávamos divertidos quando você voltasse.'

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