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'We're being hunted

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'We're being hunted.'

'And I'm next.'


If Blake Toretto thought that Letty, Vince and Gisele's funerals were sad, she was about to be in for a rough awakening. The feeling of drowning had returned like it had with every other funeral, but it had hit ten times harder; she felt like she could barely breathe at the sight of her brother's casket.

Photos and a large bouquet of flowers were placed onto the wooden casing, her eyes never leaving the photo of Han and herself that sat off to the side. Twinkie had taken the photo after the girl had finally drifted up to Han's standards, her arms were wrapped around his neck as he lifted her up into the air. A large grin plastered on his lips as he looked up at her, a grin of her own being returned.

The Tokyo family sat among the crowd as she stood at the back with her other family, tears streaming down her face; they hadn't stopped since it had begun. Blake didn't think she had cried so much since her Father's funeral, and even then, she knew this one had topped them all. The amount of grief and loss she felt hadn't left her body since the day of the accident and seeing the actual casket in front of her made it all real. She didn't want it to be real. She wanted all to be one big dream and when she finally awoke from it, Han would smiling down at her as he leant over her after trying to wake her up.

Her heart constricted at the sound of the other crying people that sat in front of her, she knew Twinkie and the others would be crying as well. The girl's hands shook in front of her as she stood between Brian and Tej, her harsh sobs sounding loudly through the air. Blake listened to what the priest had to say out of respect, though while trying to listen her mind was flying at a thousand miles per hour as it tried to accept the fact that this was the end of Han Lue on this earth.

'Now, I invite Miss Blake Toretto to say some words for the deceased,' The Reverend said before motioning towards the girl.

Blake sighed and slowly made her way up to the front, with her head held high as she walked. As she turned to face the small crowd that had gathered, she let out a shaky breath at the sight of all the weary faces.

'When I first met Han, I was a scared twenty one year old who was lost in the busy streets of Tokyo,' Blake chuckled sadly before she choked on a sob; 'I remember I had tears streaming down my face as I told him to leave, but he simply refused and stayed by my side until I talked... I have never felt so blessed with having someone like him in my life, without him I honestly don't know where I would be today, but I know it wouldn't be pretty. He saved my life that day, and many times afterwards.'

'Han made me a part of his family the day he brought me back to the garage for the first time, and I knew from that day on that Tokyo was home... We made a deal in the first month I was in Tokyo, that we would never leave each other's side, even if the other was in trouble or dying, we would always look after and love each other. That pact lasted right up until the day we died, quite literally.'

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