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'It is very safe

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'It is very safe.'

'Of course, it is. I wonder where it is this time. In a madre follando submarine?'


Water droplets rolled off Blake Toretto's stomach as she exited the cool water, her feet pressing against the hot sand as she made her way up to sit with the rest of the crew. Wolf whistles came from Roman and Tej's mouths as she walked up the stairs to the beach hut, taking a towel from the table in the centre. The girl chuckled at the pair, whipping them gentling with her towel before she wiped her face and took a seat next to Roman. Her light blue bikini continued to drip on her skin as she placed her cap on her head backwards, sighing in contentment as she popped a piece of gum into her mouth.

'It's hotter than I thought it would be,' Roman muttered to Tej as he looked out at the water.

'Yeah, well, we are in the desert, so it would be hot,' Tej replied.

'Oh, no, I ain't talking about the weather,' Roman licked his lips; 'My, my, my.'

'Hmm. Now, that is a woman that's worth falling out a plane for.'

'Get out of there, man, I got dibs on that. You've seen me looking at that.'

'Did you just say dibs? What are you, in the fourth grade?'

'Man, can you just get out of there?'

'I mean, it's a free market. What are you talking about?'

'Get out of there.'

'Rock, paper, scissors for her.'

Blake scoffed at the pair as they began playing for the tan woman, rolling her eyes before she looked up at Letty who had appeared behind the trio; an offended look on her face as she looked at the men beside her. The girl smirked before she laid down on the seat, placing her hands behind her head.

'Are you guys for real right now? Look at you,' Letty chastised with a smile causing everyone to laugh; 'You both look whipped already. You got stalker eyes.'

'I tried to call dibs on Ramsey two years ago. Her knee, my balls. Trust me, you don't wanna do that,' An unknown man called out as he entered the shack the crew sat under.

Everyone looked at him bewildered, all of them wanting to know who he was. No stranger would approach the family without a reason, they basically all had their crimes written on their foreheads; not that they liked to admit it.

'Hey! Ramsey!' The man called out as the tan woman approached the shack.

'Hello, Safar,' Ramsey replied before she hugged the man.

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