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'Why did he have to show up, Han? Why couldn't he wait? Why did I have to see him?'

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'Why did he have to show up, Han? Why couldn't he wait? Why did I have to see him?'

'I don't know Blakey, but it was Letty's funeral he's allowed to be there. I'm so sorry.'


They say that the feeling of drowning can be caused by many things, but in Blake Toretto's case, it was watching the empty casket of one of her closest friends being lowered into the ground. The girl stood at the back of the crowd alone, her face mask on and her head low as tears streamed down her face. Nobody bothered her, or spoke to her. A small crowd had shown up for Letty's funeral, most of them from the racing community.

She had sent Han to sit with the rest of the team, as she didn't want to be noticed by anyone and it seemed her older brother had the same idea. Dominic watched from a far as he stood on top of a hill, no tears left his eyes but, his heart ached. A part of him knew that Letty was still alive, but he didn't want to give in to false hope. He wished he could've gone down there, but he knew Brian and his associates were looking for him; waiting to take him in.

Dom didn't know if his youngest sister had turned up, though he had a feeling that she did and he hoped he would see her tonight at the reception. No one knew he was here, except Han, who had told him that he was back in the state with a friend. The man didn't bother asking any more questions about this friend and had sent him to check out the crash site which, indeed, had shown plenty of evidence that an accident had occurred.

Blake felt eyes on her and it made her slightly uncomfortable as she looked up to find everyone facing the front. She looked to her left and then to her right to find the people beside her were also facing the front. The girl took a chance and looked behind her to find a person standing on the hill a fair way off, they were the only person who could possibly be looking at her, even if it was by mistake.

As the funeral ended, Blake quickly exited and went to stand by her car, waiting for Han. She continued to keep her head low as people walked past, she couldn't risk being caught by the cops she saw in the way out. Though, she did curse in her mind as to why they had to be there, causing great discomfort for many of the street racers that had shown up; Blake included.

Han finally showed up with a grim expression on his face as he quickly hugged Blake before getting in his car, the girl mimicking his actions. They made their way out of the parking lot and towards their house. After Harry had told them about it, they booked an appointment to check it out the next day and it was perfect for them; a massive garage and plenty of bedrooms suited them well. They took it off the market the very same day.

The cars pulled up in the drive way, one after the other, before they were turned off. Blake knew she couldn't enter her brother's household with Han, so she waited a couple of minutes after he left before she made her way down the street. A sigh left her mouth as she took in the street she used to live in before she left, it hadn't changed a bit.

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