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'Seriously? We've been here all of a month, and you're already doing dodgy work

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'Seriously? We've been here all of a month, and you're already doing dodgy work. I can't believe you, Blake.'

'You've got to be kidding me right now? You can do jobs for my brother, but I can't do a job for an old friend?'


A few days after her run in with her brother, Blake Toretto sat silently in the lounge room of the house. She had been up for a few hours, deciding she couldn't sleep after waking up from yet another nightmare. The girl had left Han to sleep while she sat staring at the blank TV screen with a coffee in her hands, her body warmed with a jumper she stole from the man. 

A knock came from the front door, scaring the girl as she jumped and spilt coffee on her lap. She hissed in pain as she quickly brushed it off, before she grabbing her gun from the table and stalked towards the front door. Blake knew that a gunshot would easily wake Han, if it came to that.

'Who's there?' She called from behind the door.

'Your friend, I came to welcome you home,' The masculine voice called back.

Blake's blood ran cold, she knew she was a walking target but how did these people know she was back? She hadn't told anybody, and nobody knew except Harry, Han and Dominic. In her mind, she flicked through people who wanted her dead and came up with many possible names, the cops being the main one.

'I'll ask again, who are you?' She asked.

'It's Fenix, Blake. Open up,' He called back.

A breath of relief left her mouth. She had met Fenix when she got out of juvie, him and his crew took her in for a few years before helping her get out of the county. He was fairly nice, but did some dodgy work with drugs and other stuff along those lines. Blake unlocked the door and went outside, there was no way they were going inside with Han asleep in the next room.

'Hey, Fe, how are you?' The girl asked, as she quickly hugged the man.

'I'm alright. Listen, I need help with a job. No, not with drugs. The boss needs help choosing some drivers, could you possibly help? He's willing to pay you,' Fenix asked.

Blake tensed as she heard movement from inside the house; she subtly looked down at Fenix's watch. It read nine o'clock and the girl knew Han would be awake by now. She looked up at Fenix and sighed, before nodding.

'I suppose I have too, I owe you. How much is he willing to pay?' She spoke quickly and quietly.

'Two million,' He replied.

The girl nodded, 'I'll do it, send me the details later.'

Fenix nodded and waved her goodbye as smirk appeared on his face, that was too easy. He knew that she always paid off her favours, and he decided to put his to some use. As for finding her, that was as simple as threatening Harry for information. The man pulled out his phone and contacted his boss, though he generally liked Blake, what the boss says goes.

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