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'What are these races? They sound huge

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'What are these races? They sound huge.'

'They are the Race Wars of Australia.'


Blake Toretto walked through the busy streets of the outskirts of Sydney, Australia, the hot summer air brushing up against her skin. The rest of her Tokyo crew behind her, along with her Brazil family and the O'Conner's. They had all arrived to Australia early that morning, before catching a taxi to where they were.

The large hotel they were staying at was almost in front of them, the cool air conditioned inside almost in their grasps. Everyone sighed when they entered the hotel lobby, glad to be out of the heat. The youngest Toretto smiled at them before she wandered up the reception counter to check in, knowing she had booked out the entire top floor of the place.

The woman behind the counter quickly checked them in, before giving her all the sets of keys. Blake sent her a tight smile before calling out to her crew, motioning for them to follow her. After they had all settled into their rooms, she had called them back out into the hall which was rather small. She waited for all of them to come out, before she began to speak.

'Now, we will be racing whilst we're here,' She smiled; 'I know the kids and the girls won't want to be there, so I brought you all tickets to the zoo to make up for it.'

Layla and Jack cheered, but the other three were confused until Blake leant down and spoke to them in Portuguese.

'Você vai ao zoológico,' She tried again.

Then all the kids were cheering and yelling, jumping up an down with excitement. The crew laughed before Rosa and Mia began to usher them all away, wanting them to have a nap after a long journey.

'Blake, can I come to race?' Jacinto spoke in his broken English.

'Of course, but no driving,' She smirked.

The teen laughed and nodded, before his guardian turned back to face the rest of her crew standing before her.

'Let's go get some cars,' She grinned.

'Where from?' Kat asked.


Blake laughed when they all looked at her confused before she motioned for them to follow her, stepping into the elevator with half of the group; the other half having to go in a separate one. Once they were all downstairs once more, she walked out of the hotel and crossing the street; rounding the corner before she entered a large warehouse. She grinned at the large spray paint mural across the front of it, the familiar tag of Rumi sitting in the bottom right hand corner. The word Toretto was spray painted large and clear to see in the middle of it all.

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