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'Blake, where are you?'

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'Blake, where are you?'

'Out getting ice cream, where do you think I am?'


Blake Toretto drove behind Brian down the streets of LA with the rest of the crew, she was to take Ramsey if anything happened to Brian. After her turn, she would head over to help Dom take down Shaw, once and for all.  She knew Moses was watching, whether it be over her or her family; he would find out where they all were and fight to get Ramsey.

Not long after her breakdown those few hours ago, Dom had come to prepare himself at what was left of the Toretto family home when he saw her fast asleep on her front lawn; the effects of not sleeping in almost four days taking its toll. He had woken her to make sure she was ready for the fight ahead before he told her to go and sleep in her car; reassuring her he would wake her before he left.

Though she didn't sleep again, no matter how hard she tried the unsettling feeling in her stomach kept her awake; something bad was going to happen. Her mind was racing as she sat, unshed tears sitting in her eyes. All she wanted in that moment was for Han to hold her tight, place a kiss to her forehead and tell her everything was going to be ok; even if it wasn't. She missed him so much it hurt.

'Guys, they're here,' Tej's voice cut off her thoughts as he spoke through the walkie talkie.

'How many cars?' Letty asked.

'Uh, none, and that's kind of the problem.'

'What do you mean there's no cars?' Blake called over before she looked in her side mirror to see a helicopter tailing them; 'Maldito, why can't we have a helicopter?'

Tej chuckled, 'Because, baby girl, we don't know how to drive one.'

As Blake scoffed Brian's voice cut her off, 'Okay, let's give them the tour. Break on my mark... Three, two, one. Go!'

The girl drifted a U-turn at the intersection, driving back in the direction she had just come from as the others took the rest of the exits; Jakande following after Brian's GTR. She turned left at the next intersection, swerving in and out of traffic until she pulled into a side alley; manoeuvring her car until she was facing the street, which allowed an easy exit point. Her dark grey 1971 Chevrolet Monte Carlo sat idling with her windows down, the engine roar echoing off the walls as she sat patiently awaiting her call.

It was a good ten minutes before Brian's voice sounded through, 'Blake, where are you?'

'Out getting ice cream, where do you think I am?' She replied sarcastically.

'Not now, Bandit. Meet me on Third and Spring.'

'Got it.'

The Chevrolet screamed out of the alley, swerving in between oncoming traffic; earning annoyed honks from the public. She drifted around the corner, before she drove straight; eventually reaching the intersection at Third and Spring, Brian's car up ahead. Blake counted down the seconds in her head before she reached her blue eyed brother, but it seemed he had a different idea to her as he drifted; her car following in suit not long after.

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