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'I'm good, Blue Eyes

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'I'm good, Blue Eyes. I really am. Just got a lot on my mind.'

'What did you just call me? Blue Eyes?'


Blake Toretto popped herself up on the hood of her Challenger as the rest of the crew surrounded the vault, waiting for their money. She was excited for the money, but she had other things to worry about in that moment; like Vince's funeral. As Dom had said money comes and goes, and what was left of her money was going Kamata as soon as she got back home to pay off Han's debt; in hope that she could stay in Tokyo for good.

'Come on, baby,' Tej muttered; 'Don't be mean. Come on.'

The girls head popped up at the sound of the vault unlocking, before she watched as large bundles of cash fell onto the ground with a thud. She licked her lips at the site of it, her gum losing all its taste as the smell of the money hit her nose. She looked away, knowing she shouldn't be thinking of all the things she could do with that money, before she slid off her car and popped the hood. Cheers sounded through the room as everyone celebrated their victory, but Blake smile softly as she reached down into her engine.

Dom began spreading the money evenly into twelve groups, one for each of the crew; including Vince. Everyone was rubbing their hands together, staring at the money as though it was their lifeline; when in reality it was their ticket to freedom. Brian watched as Blake worked on her car, seeming completely uninterested in the whole ordeal and decided to see if she was ok. He whispered to Mia, telling her what he was doing, before he made his way over to the girl.

'You gonna come get your money?' He asked.

'Just leave it there, I'll get it later,' She replied with a huff.

'You okay, B?'

'Yeh, I'm good.'

'Do you want me to get Dom? Or Han?'

He watched as she stood up straight, her eyes finally meeting his with a glare. A sigh left her mouth as she shook her head, looking down towards her feet.

'I'm good, Blue Eyes. I really am. Just got a lot on my mind,' She stated softly.

'What did you just call me? Blue Eyes?' Brian replied with a chuckle.

'Yeh,' Blake chuckled as she looked up at him; 'It's what I called you when we were working with Braga. I didn't know your real name until that day you saved my life. At least it's better then Masked Bandit.'

'I'm guessing Vince told you about that, huh?'

'That he did.'

'You guys were close, weren't you?'

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