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'You destroy this car like you destroyed the Mona Lisa, I'll give you thirty seconds to run before I come after you

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'You destroy this car like you destroyed the Mona Lisa, I'll give you thirty seconds to run before I come after you. Got it?'

'Yeh, yeh got it.'


Blake Toretto sat in the passenger seat of Han's car she had given him, waiting for Sean's school to break up so Han could get some revenge on him. She loved the idea, but not when it involved him being in the same car as her.

'So we're seriously gonna sit out the front of the school, looking like creeps, and wait for the guy that killed your car?' Blake stated, tiredly.

'Yes, Blakey, we are. I know you're tired and you can sleep when we get back to the garage.' Han replied, using the nickname Twinkie had given her when she first arrived.

The girl simply groaned, leaning her head against the window slowly chewing her gum as her eyes fluttering shut. Despite getting five hours of sleep at Han's, he had woken her up at six to run some errands for Takashi before their instalments were due to be paid.

'Wait, where is he supposed to be sitting?' Blake half shouted, sitting up straight at the thought.

'Well, I thought you could sit on his lap since you two get along so well,' He spoke sarcastically, making Blake hit him on the arm; 'I'm joking, I'm joking! You can sit on my lap instead, ok?'

The girl sighed contently at the thought, nodding. It was bad enough they were sharing the same car let alone sharing the same seat, something she refused to do. She heard Han's door open as he got out and leant on the side of the car, Blake knew she should do the same so her presence was acknowledged. She saw the snacks in Han's hand and placed her hand out, signalling she wanted some. Without even looking at her, he placed three in her hand before continuing to shove more in his mouth.

Many students came out of the gates of the school, Sean and the crew among them. As soon as Sean saw Han, he made his way over, never once looking at the girl leaning on the hood beside him. Blake was glad he didn't look at her, or even talk to her for that matter, because if losing to her last night wasn't enough to shut him up, she was sure her fist would be.

To say Sean was confused would be an understatement. Firstly, this guy tells him to stick around and then turns up at his school, telling him to get in the car. Though, he didn't put up an argument for getting a ride in the RX-7, it was a hot car and one the teen wished he owned. He walked around the to the passenger side of the car and got in, but was surprised when he saw the girl he raced last night get in and sit on Han's lap.

'Dude, I thought you said it would only be us? What's she doing here?' Sean questioned through his gritted teeth.

Blake immediately shoved her hands in her pockets so she wouldn't try and kill the boy that sat beside her, and she would, if Han didn't get this car moving soon. She grinded her teeth and cursed in her mind, she knew now that this was a bad idea. All she wanted to do was go back to the garage and sleep, but Han had insisted she come and watch him get his revenge.

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